Summer is Disgusting

May 22, 2006 23:01

I am officially off of my drinking binge. As long as I make it just one more short hour, I will have maintained sobriety for an entire day. The past 11 days served as the longest stretch I've gone drinking every day in my entire under-aged life. Everything's kind of been a blur, though I'm not sure why. Notable events: renewed my membership in the century club, became the first girl to sleep in Erik's new bed... with two dudes... not as cool slash slutty as it sounds, used my average-at-best cleavage to get stronger drinks, got a ride home from the bar from Lauren Baeth (hott), fell asleep with my shoes still on, won our first volleyball game.

I worked a full day today for the first time this summer, and let me tell you, it was rather unpleasant. Apparently I broke all of the blood vessels in my forearms playing volleyball, because they are both hugely swollen and painful. I kept bumping them into things and wincing. I'm pretty sure people thought I had hand-cuff wounds or something.

I'm excited for Davis to come this weekend. Actually, I'm not, but I know he reads this, so yay. By the way, we decided we're just going to have a slumber party next weekend: movies, popcorn, pillows, porn, but no drinking. I'm giving drinking up for ExtraLent.

Who am I kidding. Let's go out.
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