Jun 06, 2006 22:08
It's been a while since I've truly sat down to write anything, so this might end up being a long one. Bear with me, as I process through some things on paper...Sometimes it's best just to write it out to figure out what's going on inside of me. Here goes..
Let's see...last week. Well, After working Friday and Saturday at an unnamed video chain headquarters, I slept in on Sunday. As I did not feel motivated enough to do anything on my own, I went to Calvary Chapel. It actually turned out to be a good thing, as everything that I'd been struggling with as far as the decision to leave Calvary Chapel became clearer. Sometimes God uses my obstinacy (good word, eh?) to find out the hard way what not to do in the future, like trying to hold onto something I clearly shouldn't be holding on to. Jason's message just felt empty to me, like something meant for other ears. That afternoon I ended up hanging out with friends and enjoying the sunshine...it's good to be in Oregon on a sunny day.
Monday I fully intended to crack down and get a lot more job-searching done, but I slept in, and then I went to play frisbee golf. Productive morning, eh? In the afternoon we went to X-Men 3, which I had been looking forward to see. While I enjoyed the movie for the most part, there seemed to be more groan-inducing bad acting and poor dialogue than the prior two X-Men movies. Perhaps it was the critical company I was in...it certainly is harder for me to enjoy a movie when I have to worry about what other people think of it. It's not even really my business, but I feel sort of like I let down someone if I went to a movie with another person and they didn't really like it. Kind of weird, I know, but I guess that's just how I'm wired.
Back to X-Men 3...we ended up walking out during the credits, an action I was a little disappointed I took, considering the fact that a crucial point in the movie pulling together a string of ideas happened after the credits. I suppose it didn't ruin my day too much, as I already knew what was going to happen. This is the consequence for my eagerness to know how the movie is going to be...I look up every little detail on the internet prior to my viewing, and then I know exactly what's going to happen! I know it's just a byproduct of my selfish desire to add little one-liners to the conversation afterward, or just satisfy an inner longing to get caught up in a movie way too much. I do know it's a bad thing...something that probably started pretty young, and climaxed at the showing of the Matrix sequels a couple of years back. I was seriously obsessed to the point that I would check the website several times a day to check for updates...I sound like a gamer or something like that! God really took me down a couple of notches the day I watched the last Matrix movie...I ended up walking out of the movie laughing at my own stupidity at obsessing over such a mediocre film.
It's just kind of one of those things where I think I'm over the sinfulness of pride and covetousness, and then I go and do the same thing over again for another lame movie/cd/insert worldly good here. I know that God has called me to something so much greater, but I purposefully set it aside, knowing full well that I will be disappointed in the result, but desperately hoping that just this once I can get away with it and call my new thing a fulfillment of my desires. Does this ever happen to anyone else? I feel like I'm running in circles sometimes with this issue...but this sort of battle certainly won't go away by wishing it away.
Back to modern day...Memorial day evening, after the movie foray, the group of friends I was with decided they absolutely needed margaritas. After quite a bit of time lost with fruitless searching for an open restaurant, we settled on a nasty bar with extremely expensive drinks. One of my friends ended up paying 9 dollars for one drink. I felt bad, but it was a good lesson in figuring out how much that shot of Amaretto is going to cost in an already over-priced margarita. Kind of a depressing experience, actually.
Tuesday I finally got back to looking for a job, and had a good interview with Saxton for Governor. They said they would get back to me this week, so I think I will try calling them tommorow. Yes, I still want to work in politics. It's a frustrating world, but I really enjoy it. I dearly hope for a job offer.
In the meantime, I got offered a temp to hire position at a real estate office, which has been helping me pay my bills this month. The work isn't too bad, and really has the potential to be a pretty good job with a lot of responsibility. It's kind of a family affair, though, and things have been a little dicey recently between family members. I just don't want to get caught in a spat between family members, and come out the loser. I'm confident I could do the job they are looking for, and it would be a great increase in monetary compensation from my last job, Not a bad position to be in, anyway..a temp job with the potential for something long-term, but a great option to do something short-term in politics. I'll keep you guys updated on that job front.
As for what's been happening in my life other than that noise, on Friday night I watched a pretty good fireworks display (they just haven't felt the same after 9/11...I just haven't seen anything truly spectacular in the last 5 years or so. The most beautiful thing ended up being the moon peeking out of the clouds over a twinkling downtown Portland. Saturday I went to a friend's birthday, and much to my chagrin I saw people play beer games and do keg stands for the first time. I was a little embarassed to watch, as I'd never been around that sort of thing. It didn't ruin my day, though...it just caught me off guard. I think the thing I was most embarrassed about was the train full of kids (it was near a small amusement park) watching our actions. Made me think about things more, anyway. I just think things that make people stumble easily need to be carefully thought through to understand the ramifications of our actions. Afterwards I went to a night parade (it rained on the parade...a little Oregon humor there), where Abraham Lincoln rolled by on roller skates, and most of the crowd didn't know what the 4Her's were...you know you're in a city when that happens. Until Later,