The Worst Pancakes Ever

Jun 01, 2006 07:12

I had an experience worth repeating on Saturday, as it does not bode well for anyone to repeat the mistake I made. Namely, I made pancakes. Not such a big deal, right? Well, I had just a little bit left of a bag of Kruzteaz pancake mix, the "just add water" kind. Krusteaz normally makes a pretty decent batch of pancakes, but on this morning, I was feeling a little greedy. As there is only a finite amount of this flour-type substance in my bowl, I started to pour a little water in, instead of measuring out the water as one should do (unless you are my mom or Martha Stewart, in which case everything comes out perfect anyway). The result? I left the water on for too long, and realized rapidly as I was trying franticly to whip the batch into something usable that I had way too much water.

What could I do next? I couldn't very well try to strain the water out, as it's a little impossible to get water out of a soupy I stole some mix from Josiah, but he was almost out as well, so I didn't even have enough after all that work. I decided to go ahead with the mix, but the pancakes were clumpy, burned quickly and turned out awful. I still ate them of course (one can't be picky when one doesn't have a job).

What else has happened? Well, on Friday and Saturday I worked with a video store as a temp, calling from their main headquarters to check if the Game(s) and movie of the week were in stock. Sound easy? It really was, but it got quite repetitive after 400 plus stores. Some highlights? A guy answered to "Fats Domino". I was a bit taken aback, so I asked if his parents had given him the name..."no, it's my stage name!" was the reply. Hmm...

Another funny thing that happened was one of the sales pitches I got, when I was promised (in addition to 5 DVD's for $20) a hug. Free hugs all around! Oh, and one of the other guys I worked with had a person hang up on him because a car had driven through the front glass windows of the store at that moment. Talk about a weird night...oh, and I had to work on my voice being a little more manly, because I got called "ma'am" 4 times on Friday. I suppose it worked...I didn't get called ma'am once on Saturday. Deeper voice, I suppose. Until Later,
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