Feb 17, 2009 00:22

well HAI!!!
I never do this shit no moe.
but as few of you know -i guess.
I am taking a semester off from school!!!!
im visiting my grandparents in Texas for a month, and i need to start driving.
Now thats out of the way, lets start with an update!
-Got layers in my haiiir from gabes hair dresser, for free!!!
-just got back from spending 2 and a half weeks in LA with Alex!!!
-Have plans to actually go to coachella this year with Priscila.
-Found my black flag shirt.

Wild animal parkkkk

In santa cruz desi exposed the most amazing puzzle, it has the disney characters walking around with other disney characters all lit up(YES those pieces ARE metallic!!!)

Sorry im so lazy with resizing these, EVERY time i upload each picture.

seriously a little over 4 inches

the day before the last day we went for a litttle tripp
and i fully experienced macro, not only through my eyes but through my camera =)

Lost boys house.
Too many pics, so i could only post a few.

Baby beau, Rest In Peace.

Priscila bought alex this nalgene. he really likes it.

And one more of my love for the road.

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