*Giggle* How cute is this?

Mar 03, 2005 12:26

I nabbed this from fumankaneki Didn't think I'd come out very well as a South Park character, but whaddaya know? I did! LMAO!

If you wanna make your own South Park character...Here's the linkage!

South Park Character Generator!

Another quiz ganked from fumankaneki! I had a lot of fun with this one...heehee!

Are You A Music Nerd?

Music Nerd Rankings

Insult To Music Nerds
Not A Music Nerd
Casual Music Nerd
Total Music Nerd
Major Music Nerd
Super Music Nerd
Mega Music Nerd
Extreme Music Nerd
Hardcore Music Nerd
Obsessed Music Nerd

You Ranked:
66.90821% - Extreme Music Nerd

And Finally, this one is ripped from SWGrrl.

Randomness at it's finest, man! I love it!

Take the quiz: "Which Random Irish Gaelic Phrase Are You? "

Ta mo bhriste tri thine
Ta mo bhriste tri thine - 'My trousers are on fire.'You're a few bricks short of a load, aren't you? You're probably not allowed to use sharp objects and you should be locked in a rubber room. With Rubber rats. Rubber rats? I hate rubber rats. They drive me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They put me in a rubber room. With rubber rats. Rubber rats? I hate rubber rats...
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