Y'all Ready For THIS??? *HUGE grin!*

Mar 03, 2005 00:46

Okay...Thanks to my dear old friend Ryan...Who said the following words to me tonight in an email:

Just remember that you are a wonderful writer and artist and you have the power to use that gift. When ever that damn disease starts fucking with your head fight it with art! Fight those damn demons by putting them down on paper, or singing a song...well you probably don't feel like singing...writing might be best. =) I know it sounds cheesy and it doesn't always work but sometimes you can channel the worst energy into a master piece.

I have decided that it is time to channel the "demons" inside me and produce something that I can hold in my hand and say, "Yes...I DID this..."

I am going to attempt to write a novel. An honest-to-god book! I have toyed with an idea for a plotline tonight, and will be doing some research into my topic of choice over the next couple weeks. It will probably be the toughest personal venture I have ever attempted...But knowing that someone who has literally known me since I was a teenager, and only read what I was pumping out back then, STILL has faith in what I can do artistically...Fuck me if I'm wrong...But that HAS to mean something.

I'm gonna do it! I'm gonna create my own masterpiece! Wish me luck...

Question #15:

Whom do you admire most? In what way does that person inspire you?

This is a very good question. Three people pop immediately into my mind...So, I'll talk a little about each of them.

Joyce Elaine Rowland-Galloway

Or, as she's more commonly known...My Mommy.

There are people in this world who are just born beautiful. Not necessarily in the physical sense...But in every other sense imaginable. My Mother is one of those people.

There isn't a mean, or spiteful bone in her entire body. She is loving, and giving, and caring almost to a fault. She has been dealt a shitty hand in life...Quite literally from birth. But all-in-all, she has fought her way through and become a remarkably strong-willed, and amazing woman.

My Mother never went to High School. She came down with Rheumatic Fever as a child, and was forced to drop out of school in the sixth grade. By no means is she book smart...Sometimes the things she says are even downright silly...But you look into her eyes, and you see the wisdom of her age and all of the triumphs she has accomplished in her 63 years on this earth. And as far as I'm concerned, that's more important than anything a book could teach you. I know that I have learned so much from being her daughter.

She is beauty personafied. And I am fortunate to be blessed with her as the woman who gave me life.


Not gonna bust out with the full name, because I don't know if she'd appreciate that. But, when asked who inspires me...She immediately came to mind. Which might come as a surprise...Even to her.

Liv and I have our ups and downs. Our ins and outs. We fight and bicker like an old married couple. But, in truth, I think that that just speaks volumes about how close we are as friends. After all the fighting and bickering is over...We can go right back to laughing and talking like normal.

She inspires me in ways that no one else has ever been able to. I get frustrated and angry at her sometimes, but when it comes right down to it...No one knows me quite as well as Olivia does. Or "gets" me quite as well as she does either. I think what irritates me the most...And this is gonna sound funny as hell...but she'll get it...Is that she's REAL with me. She doesn't fuck with me. She doesn't put up with my bullshit. She slaps "common sense" *wink* into me when I need it most, even if I don't like it.

As much as I bitch and moan...I wouldn't trade her for the world. And I hope she knows that.

Ryan Demaree

Funny how a voice from your past can make you realize that someone had an effect on your life, and you didn't realize the extent of it until you hear that voice again.

If you would have asked me this same question a month ago, the third name on this list probably would have been very different. But, since it was posed to me tonight...This is the answer. And I'm glad.

Ryan is, and always has been such an amazing person. Far beyond the fact that he has the voice of an angel, and the musical skills of a person three times his age...He's just SO damned great.

He has a spirit around him that exudes warmth, and his open nature with people. When I look back on the people I knew on my trek from being a teenager into adulthood, my memories of his and my friendship in those days are probably some of the most golden memories I have.

Because when a lot of other people looked down on me...Even those that I considered my "best" friends...Ryan never did. He was always genuinely HAPPY to talk to me, and hang out with me. We would talk on the phone, or just sit somewhere and talk...and in those conversations...he managed to make me feel like someone important for a while.

He always believed in me...Always asked me to sing for him...Always wanted to read whatever silly poem or story I had concocted...He was truly INTERESTED in being my friend. And I thank him for that with all my heart.

As I said in my update earlier, he has convinced me to try and write a novel...I don't think anyone else could have pushed the right buttons to get me to even attempt it. I think it took that voice from my past...Knowing my abilities and my fears and everything that goes along with it...Knowing where I came from, and now that I've filled him in, where I've been.

That's it. The three people who have inspired me most. Thanks for checking this out! I'll be back soon with another thrilling, edge-of-your-seat question from Mr. Book! WOOT!

Goodnight Ladies and Gentlemens...

And remember...

Becca is so poor, her bologna doesn't even have a first name!
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