Nov 07, 2005 23:51
An Gryjam Ie 45: Ben, are you still a good person?
Ben: is anyone?
Ben: I'd say no on theological grounds
Ben: are you a good person?
I looked at my buddy list for the first time in months because I got that bored. I wondered what Ben was up to because I was terribly fond of him in high school and was terribly disappointed when he didn't end up marrying my good friend. I had been kind of dismayed with that life decision of his. As I thought about him, I couldn't prevent myself wondering if he was still a good guy...
I daresay that the friends I have the most faith in - Ben, Cosmin, Sisi, Kyle, Justin, Emilee, So - will not be very different in a million years. I have seen them grow and have grown with them and I know that they are special because I still can find no unforgivable fault in them as far as human faults go. Though they have changed in some dimensions, I can compare notes with them every ten years and find that they are still good. I firmly believe that; I always have.
Anyway, I asked just for good measure. And we went on to talk for about four hours - until 5am - about the theological grounds on which men are damned... This was, of course, the night before I had a second Chemistry midterm. When I realized that the conversation with Ben was going to take a while, I glanced at my Chemistry but couldn't conceive of quitting. It really did feel that important, and I knew God would make up the difference if I gave up my own pursuits to do His work. Part of the reason for this post is to document how He did just that. I thought of taking care of myself first, and couldn't. So I stayed up until Ben got tired, and left my own work one more day though I was already a few days behind. I told God that I was going to leave my Chemistry to Him. I woke up at noon today and had five hours to cram and pray. And you know what? I did just fine on my midterm. I had just enough time to do just the right amount of studying, and I wasn't too tired once I got into the exam room.
Experiences like these - holding and transporting water with my own religious arguments, broadening the perspective of someone I care about, putting my faith in God's ability to take care of me, and (best of all) giving Him the chance to prove that He can - are really good for my testimony. Not only that. These moments declare that God lives.