Aug 18, 2009 11:25
My morning routine has become this:
-wake up and stretch, realize that i have slept a bit later than i would like.
-get up, trudge downstairs to make tea and toast. realize we are out of blackberry jam and make a mental note to get more.
-completely forget about the jam.
-take said tea & toast upstairs to my desk and promptly check all of the local online job listings , apply to anything i'm remotely qualified for that doesn't seem like a bad idea (i.e. fry-cook at Kentucky fried chicken or babysitter to a "spirited " 2 year old)
-convince myself that i will find a job, surely i will
-check my email to see if i've received replies from any of the jobs that i've previously applied for. ( I have not)
-work out and do yoga. shower.
-decide to cheer myself up by going for a bike ride in the sun, reading in the garden and playing with the cats all day.if i'm feeling especially ambitious , watch some sci-fi and drink red wine or play video games.
It's at this point in the day that dave is normally done with work, and we decide what to cook for dinner, we cook together, play games or watch movies, maybe adventure out into the night for fun and then go to bed.
-wake up, and repeat. sometimes with coffee.
This, by no means is a bad life. It's quite nice actually, but If I don't add a job to the mix soon, well....just yikes I suppose.
I'm trying to stay positive, and really the best I can do is to put myself out there and hope for the best. I've been writing and crafting a lot lately, so that's nice , but i'm getting to the point where i'm starting to feel a bit antsy.
Think good thoughts for me world. I need all the help I can get :OD
finding work,
tea and toast,
no i will not fry your chicken.,
morning routines