I was reading bits of news over my coffee this morning and this one particular story really struck a chord with me.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1206802/The-young-student-prosthetic-arm-took--beat--global-fashion-giant-tells-story-humiliating-ordeal.html That girl is such a role model for young people everywhere. How DARE a company be allowed to conduct it self in such a way. In this day and age is seems unbelievable that policies like that are allowed to be in place.
No one needs to fit into a cookie cutter idea of how we should be , or what makes us beautiful. the things that make us truly beautiful as one of a kind puzzle pieces in the universe, are our flaws, our idiosyncrasies and the singular, unique ways in which we experience the world and the weird, off, strange, amazing ,sometimes gross things we wear/say/do, shape our own realities. Fuck the status quo and screw a company that refuses to see the value of the individual beauty in everyone. I have never shopped there before and i never will , now especially and i would hope that anyone who reads this would do the same.