Letters To Morgan :: Chapters 1-35

Sep 19, 2011 11:13

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. First Letter

Hello, unknown girl,

my name is Dustin Brooks.

I'm awfully embarrassed for butting in.

You may hate me for that.

Yeasterday, I saw you among the new middle school kids. I have never seen you before.

Somehow, you appear so familiar to me.

And I don't know the reason.

My head has been turning around all night.

I woke up early in the morning due to being unable to forget your enigmatic smile even for a few hours of sleep.

So I have to try to find out.

It is now close to noon.

So, I'm sitting alone in some silent corner in order to find a way to contact you.

I think about passing the letter via one of my pals, Neil cWinchester.

Neil is a drummer in the school's band. He has sometimes even played for great Drake Paker.

That is the most popular rock star among the girls of southern California.

If you like pop music, you should check them out.

Maybe Drake is not so famous in your home region.

Or wherever that is …

Ah, there is Neil.

So I better hurry up!

I hope to hear from you.


Chapter 2. Second Letter

Hi Morgan!

It's me again, Dustin.

So, you actually received my letter, and ypu even replied to it.

Yes, I have already expected to be ignored, or the letter to get lost.

Ashley, Neil's Girlfriend, is such a double-edged sword. She often treats most of her fellow students as dirt. As a Hollywood diva, she expects us to be glad to be the carpet to be stomped all over by her feet.

So you are Morgan Eichman, the daughter of the famous TV producer and dean of renowned Hollywood School of Arts.

That's amazing.

So you appeared familiar to me for that reason.

My fabourite web show is iCarly, too.

You dared to call your dad's shows lame, when compared to iCarly.

I adore you for that.

Too bad movie producers keep on ignoring us.

We've got a son of Hollywood csar Malcolm Reese at our school.

His name is Logan.

He's one hell of an arrogant creep, I tell you.

But now I don't waste my time talking about the filthy jerk.

Finally, Ashley's demeanour towards you makes sense.

She might flatter you in order to impress your dad and get more jobs as an actress. She's a lot like Amber Tate[ amber tate] , the tween idol.

But I better don't say too much.

She might also be honestly nice, for a change.

You don't mind me writing you a few letters, on and off, do you?

You're so admirable fascinating.

Yours, Dustin.

[ amber tate] from iCarly : iCarly Saves TV

Chapter 3. Third Letter

Hi Morgan!

Thanks for not minding my letters.

You've mentioned that Afro-American teenager with his guitar, Harper[ 1] .

Yes, I've liked his song a lot.

It really makes me blush.

Harper will be the heartthrob of girls of the whole nation.

So, his twin brother André is reallystudying at your dad's school? And he wr

Poor André! He probably has to suffer now from your dad's anger.

On the other hand, this may be a way to get Harper to perform here at “Pacific Coast Academy” for a night or two.

I'm sure the kids here would die for that.

My roomie Neil certainly does. As already mentioned, he's a rock drummer. He would love to meet someone like Harper and possibly even back him up on his battery.

Four years ago, Drake Parker, back then at the start of his career, had given a concert here.[ drake at pca]

Wow! This was a hell of fun!

My sister Zoey had arranged this, She made t-shirts for the band, with a logo designed by her own hands, in order to finance the concert.

Maybe we can do something like this even here.

I hope you like that idea.

Harper rocks totally!

Yours, Dustin.

[ 1] from iCarly : iCarly Saves TV

[ drake at pca] cf. Zoey 101 : Spring Fling

Drake “Bell” is here seen as an artist's pseudonymmm.

Chapter 4. Fourth Letter

Hi Morgan!

It's me again, Dustin.

You seem to like the idea of Harper at “Pacific Coast Academy”, too.

I've asked Zoey about the possibilities of making tops with a logo for Harper.

She's really a great fashion designer. She thought about making the concert a themed party.

I don't really know.

And there are so many themes to choose from.

Zoey would like to connect it with California. She thought about the time of the gold rush.

This happened about 160 years ago, during Polk's presidency..

Principal Wright of nearby James K. Polk school in Santa Clarita has suggested making it a topic at all Californian schools.

The school is named for that president.

Thus it was a logical consequence.

There are various former pupils from James K. Polk's here at “Pacific Coast Academy”, such as Jerry Crony, Matthew Palmer Noid[ palmer noid], Claire Sawyer, Lisa Zemo, Jenifer Mosely. They still maintain contacts to their former school.

That's the reason for Zoey's idea.

The design of the tops would, of course, allude to the party's theme.

Zoey will sure get this done.

I trust her totally with that.

But we still need Harper, of course.

He must be comfortable with the concert and the theme.

Yours, Dustin.

[ palmer noid] from Ned's Declassified SSG : Upperclassmen

Chapter 5. Fifth Letter

Dearest Morgan,

it's me again, Dustin.

I know, most people think of gold rush as fast fortune.

But Zoey, and certainly also that Principal Wright, also want to point out the problems of the rush.

Hiding some gold here for a sort of rallye?

We may hardly afford proper gold.

But some symbolic “gold” would of course be cool.

Thanks for asking André Harris.

All we need to do now is to await his answer.

I've got some idea for expanding on the gold trush, though.

Some Olympic games took place in Los Angeles almost twenty-five years ago.

And there were many gold medals to win.

If we could get some medal winners from back then to show up …

But at least we have now got the theme fixed, “gold”.

Zoey will probably design gold-coloured tops.

It would be nice to get some representants of some local record labels to attend the concert.

A record contract would be like a gold mine for Harper.

I'm going to ask around.

But maybe your dad, as “lame” as his productions be, may help here with some connections.

We'll have to wait and see.

Yours, Dustin.

Chapter 6. Sixth Letter

Dear Morgan,

and I'm back.

It would be nice to have some wizard able to turn trash into gold.

And indeed, there's one girl at this school …

Zoey's has got two roomies.

One of them is Lola Martinez. She's an aspiring Hollywood actress.

If your daddy's shows weren't so “lame”, he'd probably have discovered her great talent long since.

She's very bubbly.

But the other roomie, while cool, is nerdy freak Quinndelyn Pensky. She spends many hours with her portable laboratory, mixing things, God know what, in her test tubes. Some of them hiss, or ooze, or change colours, or even worse. She has already invented many things.

A goldmaker would certainly be in her league.

But she probably knows about laws of nature making this hard or impossible, and she won't hesitate quote them back at us.

That's why I hardly ever dare to ask her for a favour involving her engineering skills.

And many of her inventions have got terrible side effects.

So, we should expect her to invent the goildmaker, just to see it blow up right in our face for some reason hard to explain for us mortals.

Unfortunately, she has suffered badly since dating dumb jock Logan Reese, son of your dad's competitor. But she will recover.

I'm sure!

Yours, Dustin.

Chapter 7. Seventh Letter

Dear Morgan,

it's me again, Dustin.

I'm horribly sorry.

Talking about Malcolm Reese, I did not want to make you go through bad memories.

So, one of your dad's ex-wives is also former Mrs. Reese?

Honestly, I did not know that. I won't tell around. I swear!

Logan's dad is divorced and married several times.

He sometimes talks about his current and former step-mothers and step-siblings. But he never mentions any names or other important dates. Some of them he likes more or less.

One of them regularly sends him tasty cookies.[ cookies from stepmom]

He appreciates that a lot.

Obviously, not all step-mothers are like that.

If you need someone to talk about those experiences, I'll always be there for you.


Just drop me a message!

The codeword be “Cinderella”!

This will stay among us, honestly!

Yours, Dustin.

[ cookies from stepmom] cf. Zoey 101 : Quinn Misses The Mark.

Chapter 8. Eighth Letter

Hi, dearest Morgan!

It's me again, Dustin.

You remember my statements about the olympic games?

Well, I've still not found a champion from back then.

But maybe there's a way.

Ashley Blake's brother is very athletic. He is also her bodyguard.

His name is Vincent.

In addition to that, he is Lola's “fiancé”.

But that's a very touchy subject.

Vince's main passion, however, is still football.

He has been our quarterback three years ago.

Unfortunately, our school has got high standards.

He needed good marks in order to be allowed to stay in the team.

Training for football matches and learning for academic tests are too much to accomodate, at least for many of us.

Vince could not help but cheating. In addition, he bullied Chase Matthews, Zoey's current boyfriend, for having denounced his deceit and getting Vince suspended from the decisive matches. Thus he was even expelled. He got pardoned by Dean Rivers, though.

I don't really trust the peace, though.

Ashley has got something up her sleeves.

OK, I still don't want to foulmouth her. I'm just confused and intimidated.


Anyways, Vince has met many former stars in person. He's probably the most likely to establish contacts like that.

We've just got to ask Ashley nicely.

See you!

Yours, Dustin.

Chapter 9. Ninth Letter

Dear Morgan,

it's me again, Dustin.

You appear to be consternated by knowing about Vince's deeds.

Of course, Ashley will always defend her elder brother and bodyguard.

I wished to see a better way to contact former olympic champions and get them to appear at “Pacific Coast Academy” for a rallye.

So, why has Vince been pardoned?

According to Dean Rivers, there had been a successful therapy.

But I still suspect Ashley to have taught him to feign being nice, just to be closer to his enemies.

Lola has been Zoey's best friend for three years now. And she had been close to Chase Matthews, as well.

Vince's mean deeds unto Chase must have upset her too. They definitely did.

We all hated Vince for having beat up Chase, and also Logan and Michael.

Those are his roomies. They decided in last minute to come to Chase's help. They had formerly tried hard to dissuade Chase from denouncing Vince and thus spoiling a unique chance for our football team, including Michael's possible scholarship for college.

But this intervention was pointless.

Vince's return after only one year of expulsion was a shock for Zoey and her friends.

Chase was in London.

But Vince appeared too nice.

Lola fell for this changed demeanour like a child.

Step by step, her friends were persuaded, as well.

And there we are.


I honestly do understand your qualms, unlike my sister.

Yours, Dustin!

Chapter 10. Tenth Letter

Dear Morgan,

it's true, I haven't yet talked much about Michael Barret.

There's nothing wrong with him as such.

He's a bit crazy, though. He likes to talk to his clackers and plays with them all night long, much to his roomies' dismay.

These are a pair of plastic balls, connected with a string.

Some boys are obviously addicted to them.

I don't know why.

Just bear with that.

But Michael's real gift is the jazz flute.

Unfortunately, he is too embarrassed to talk about it.

I've heard him play often enough without seeing him.

He must have been hiding in the closet.

Blues and jazz are not exactly a thing for our generation.

But it is his life.

He should shamelessly admit to it, and not hide himself under a bushel.

But don't talk about it openly to your dad.

He could offer him to play regularly in his show for tweens, iZeebo.

And that would really be “lame”.

There are enough jazz theatres near Los Angeles, like in the good old times of jazz and blues.

Yours, Dustin.

Chapter 11. Eleventh Letter

Dear Morgan,

Michael's flute reminds you of Gregorio Pedillo[ gregorio pedillo]|

Oh yeah!

I've seen that episode of Carly's web show.

And is it to be believed:

Greg Pedillo is actually the cousin of Sam?

I was really shocked. I had expected all sorts of dubious and shadowy figures.

But Gregorio performs on the stage as a beatbox flutist for over ten years already!

Michael would love to make it there. But he always pukes in front of the public.

That's so disgusting.

It can;t be easy.

I would probably pee my pants all wet in such a situation.

How do people like Harper Harris and Drake Parker do that?

Is there sort of a secret?

Some told me: “This comes with experience.”

But I totally fail to understand that.

Drake had been like fourteen years at his first public concert, jumping in for injured Devin Malone[ devin malone]. And he rocked all over the stage without a trace of nervosity.

I just don't get it.

Some people are born stage entertainers.

The rest of us are just … bear with it!

Yours, Dustin.

[ gregorio pedillo] from iCarly : iHeart Art

[ devin malone] from Drake & Josh : The Guitar

Chapter 12. Twelfth Letter

Dear Morgan,

you wonder about my favourite part of Carly's show?

There's so much cool stuff in it.

I like “Mess with Lewbert” a lot.

But I best remember their struggle for the Jonas Book of Records[ jonas book] .

Carly, Freddie, and Sam have fought so hard for making webcast lasting for over a whole day.

Sam wanted to be seen with Father MacCurdy, the world's fattest priest, on the book's cover.

But then a stupid power failure, caused by no other than Spencer, spoiled it all.

I had not seen the whole thing without a break. But I watched the last minutes.

Zoey had not allowed me to drink too much coffee in order to stay awake all night.

But then one of Spencer's sculptures had really made it into Jonas.

The kids were helping him in last minute, and thus they were registered as well for his record.

I was glad for Sam to have made it.

But then Father MacCurdy turned out too fat and too heavy to make it into Carly's apartment.

Alas, I've seen them together on the cover of the latest Jonas.

Sam will now also try to beat one of the eating records.

Good luck for her!

Yours, Dustin.

[ jonas book] cf. iCarly : iWant A record

Chapter 13. Thirteenth Letter

Hi Morgan!

Thanks for your comments.

Their attempts of gaining new viewers by means of a those big LED panels, as used by shops down town, was certainly cool.

And then the panel malfunctioned, and instead of telling the citizens to click on the web show, they told them to “Pee on Carl!”

Unfortunately, Spencer must have got into trouble.

According to the blog, Spencer was arrested by an officer named Carl[ officer carl] .

That must have sucked.

Anbd you want to know what happened during that time here on the campus?

Coco Wexler, your dorm adviser, has got that “boyfriend” named Carl.[ cocos carl]

That's our softball coach.

The team sucks completely.

And after the web session, lots of us middle school kids covered him with our piss!

He certainly deserved it. He's worse than Lewbert.

But some of us pitied him.

Sorry for the disgustin dstory.

Yours, Dustin.

[ officer carl] frim iCarly : iWant More Viewers

[ cocos carl] cf. Zoey 101 : Hot Dean

Chapter 14. Fourteenth Letter

Dear, Morgan,

thanks again for your opinion about the web show.

But you may confuse officer Carl with officer Stu Staimbler[ staimbler] .

The latter had been Spencer's old enemy.

Carl probably hates him now as much.

Fortunately, Spencer got back at Staimbler and handcuffed him to some furniture.

Those stupid cops have really abused Carly's attic as a stakeout in order to observe the owner of the shop across the street.

The latter was supposed to have sold pirated videos.

But he has sold low-budget videos about pirates.

But your right.

I hate both Staimbler and Carl.

Carly, Freddie, and Sam have finally guest starred in some of the videos.

Sam is particularly cool in Your Ham Or Your Life!. She tracks down enters the ships of the big pork vendors, looting them from the sun deck all the way down rto the bilge. And then she burps “Argh!”

That movie should deserve an Oscar, more than anything by Ashley Blake.

And I do enjoy Ashley's movies!

But blindfolded Sam with a pork chop between her teeth cannot be beaten by any Hollywood production.

Shirtless Gibby going over board was a huge bonus.

I still have to laugh my butt into smithereens.

Yours, Dustin.

[ staimbler] cf. iCarly : iStake Out

Chapter 15. Fifteeth Letter

Hi Morgan!

So, you liked those pirate movies, too?

I'm totally glad about it.

Too bad your dad does not make movies in that league.

His dinosaurs are lame.

But we already know that.

Ashley Blake is a great actress, indeed, but she only impresses with her postures and gestures.

My favourite movie with Ashley is Queen of Kids.

I watched it at least thrice in a row.

Whether I have a crush on Ashley, as Neil does?

Admitted, I did, once upon a time.

But Zoey dissuaded me from that. She's very protective, you know.

But I can still admire her movies.

I also admire those with Lola Martinez.

She's more of an actress convincing with difficult texts, such as Shakespeare and stuff.

Back to Ashley.

She did not just portray a queen, sort of, she also treats us like her minions. She's such a diva, just like Amber Tate, you know.

Sometimes it appears cool to serve a celebrity.

But Ashley hardly ever thanks it. She considers our submission as her birthright. She also whips her elder brothers, Miles[ miles blake] and Vince.

Well, Miles is really no good for nothing.

Vince and Ashley appear to be very close.

But I don't really know how he can bear that servility.

Yours, Dustin.

[ miles blake] from Drake & Josh : Little Diva

Chapter 16. Sixteenth Letter

Dear Morgan,

your remarks are very interesting.

So, Ashley wants to employ your roomie, Millie[ 2] , as a sort of errant boy, er errant girl?

Honestly, I know that feeling.

I had always beem low on bucks due to my weakness for candy, especially gummi worms.

Zoey has tried hard to dissuade me from that.

But they are so addictive.

Many of us kids slip into such a situation.

And then the superrich snob kids use us, giving us money for their crap jobs.

I had to do all sorts of things for Logan.

He's so incredibly lazy. And he always yelled at me.

That sucked.

Zoey was once very upset. She finally got me a job at “Sushi Rox”, the local Japanese pub.

Otherwise I would still feel like Logan's slave.

Those snobbish super-rich playboys and divas seem to purchase us in the likeness of buying a slave at the slave market.

Millie should like green gummi worms.

Ashley hates them and needs a slave to sort them out. She's crazy, ain't she?

But you know that already.

Yours, Dustin.

[ 2] from Zoey 101 : Rollercoaster

Chapter 17. Seventeenth Letter

Hi Morgan!

So, you have already been with your roomies at “Sushi Rox”.

I am not working there all the time.

There are limits.

Eating there is fairly cheap because of its tax-excempt status, at least when xcompared to pubs off the campus.

But most of us students can't afford eating there too often.

Sometimes we order take-out food from there.

It may be delivered, but that costs tips for the delivery boy.

I sometimes do deliveries.

Kazu, the guy running tghe pub, is not really from Japan.

We have found out only three years ago.

He is actually from the state of Alabama, a “Redneck”..

But don't mention that in his presence, pleae!

He will feel humiliated for that.

Talking about Japan …

Carly, Freddie, and Sam will soon go to Tokyo for an international web show award.

Isn't that great?

I hope them to win the first prize.

They totally deserve it!

What do you think about that Tokyo event?

Oh, and yes, I doo get some discount at “Sushi Rox”.

It isn't really much though.

I'd be glad to come there with you and your friends.

Let's talk about that some other day.

I've got to run.

Yours, Dustin.

Chapter 18. Eighteenth Letter

Dear Morgan!

Actually, tonight would be a very nice evening for me to come to “Sushi Rox” with you.

I am already totally excited.

We haven't yet been sitting at the same table.

It is possible to prenotate tables for an evening at “Sushi Rox”, indeed.

But we have to be lucky.

Just being on and off one of Kazu's delivery boys does not make me a preferred customer in each and every respect.

Kazu's is the only exotic restaurant on this campus.

But sometimes the cafeteria offers certain thematic weeks, dedicated to various strange countries.

We often get exchange students here on the campus.

Some of them really behave in a weird manner.

Last year, a certain Yooka from Eudonia[ yooka from eudonia] has graduated from here.

We often get visitors from abroad, too.

Our soccer team, for example, regularly faces some Mexican team.

That's nacho time.

I was occasionally playing in the soccer team, but not for important matches such as playoffs of regionals.

In any case, I am now so looking forward to seeing you and your friends tonight at “Sushi Rox”.

I'll try to be in time at seven and thirty pm.

Yours, Dustin.

[ yooka from eudonia] from Drake & Josh : “We're Married!”

Chapter 19. Ninteenth Letter

Hi Morgan!

It's me, Dustin!

My head is still turning around.

I had expected you with a few friends.

But then we were all alone.

It's true.

I have had a crush on you from your first day at “Pacific Coast Academy”.

It became worse when knowing about your identity as another greay fan of iCarly.

I tried to stop blushing and swooning.

But nothing helped on the long run.

Sorry, I should have fessed up earlier.

But my courage left me all the time.

I feel nmiserabe for keeping that secret with me.

My roomies sometimes noticed a bit and poked me, mentally at least, for that.

I'm glad you take it that easy.

You even like me back, don't you?

I also think we should meet a bit and get to know each other a bit better before coming to an “official” decision about us.

Our letters helped me a lot.

Let's keep on doping this, please!

Yours, Dustin.

Chapter 20. Twentieth Letter

Dearest Morgan,

for most people, dates consist of dinners and movies.

We can hardly afford both of them the same day.

Only Logan Reese can do so. He more or less owns all those movies.

Ashley could afford it. But she has already seen all movies featuring herself. And she deems all movies without herself as ultimate junk.

OK, so I would love us to see a movie together, in our campus cinema.

It is also run by students and tax-excempted.

Tonight, there's the second part of Witches of Rodeo Drive[ witches of rodeo drive].

I've only seen excerpts of the first part.

But it looks to be cool.

Sometimes I'm a bit scared of witches and so on.

But the movie is a lot more fun than horror.

Even Zoey approves of it.

The movie starts at eight and lasts for sixty minutes.

Thus we will be back a few minutes before curfew.

I'm so looking forward to our date.

Love, Dustin.

[ witches of rodeo drive] mentioned in Big Time Rush : Big Time Break

Chapter 21. Twenty-First Letter

Sweet Morgan,

the evening at the cinema was cool.

I know, it was too dark for you to notice.

But I had to blush for the whole hour when sitting next to you.

I like particularly the part of the movie where one of the witches cursed her “best friend” for trying to steal a boyfriend off her.

That would be a cool thing in real life.

Alas, I do have some respect for curses.

Over a year ago, Zoey and her friends had been looking for the tomb of a student passed away like fifty years ago.[ search for tomb]

They found it in a desert nearby.

Logan Reese wanted a proof for the mass media. He took a locket from the tomb and smuggled it to our campus.

Zoey and her friends were all stuck in some terrible disasters for several hours until returning the locket to the tomb.

I was not on the campus when that happened.

But Zoey told me about it. And she would not make me worried just for fun.

Sorry for worrying you.

But as long as we stand together, no curse in the world may harm us.


Love, Dustin.

[ search for tomb] from Zoey 101 : The Curse of PCA;

Chapter 22. Twenty-Second Letter

Dearest Morgan,

I'm glad you're not too scared by my story about the curse here.

According to Zoey, it's all OK now.

Her friends had really got the impression of being hunted by a demon with the face of Charles Galloway, aforementioned former student at “Pacific Coast Academy”.

So, you are talking about that recent session of Carly's web show.[ session of ic]

Freddie seemed to be haunted by bad luck.

Carly connected this to his stubborn refusal to forward that chain letter.

Refraining from doing so is supposed to trigger bad luck, called “Consuela's Pernicious Revenge”

At least Gibby and Carly think like that.

But it seems to have been Sam's sabotage.

She is so mean, all the time.

But that doesn't mean there is no pernicious demon named Consuela.

There must be something to Gibby's and Carly's fears.

Zoey doesn't allow me to participate in stupid chain letters, though.

I hope for Carly and Gibby to be on the safe side, anyways.

your loving and caring Dustin.

[ session of ic] refers to the events from iCarly : iStage An Intervention

Chapter 23. Twenty-Third Letter

Dearest Morgan,

a few weeks ago, we were looking for some great athlete having resided during the Olympic games of 1984 here on this campus.

Hitherto unbeknownst to me, the dad of Lola Martinez has been an athlete[ lolas dad], and he is now the coach of Lola's younger yet almost alike-looking cousin Shelby Marx[ shelby marx] is a mixed martial artist.

Lola has never liked talking about it.

And she is soon going to fight for the junior worldcup in her weight class.

Lola is embarrassed by that.

Shelby is now going to fight against a champion from Russia.

That will be tough!

The match will be moderated by Jackson Colt[ jackson colt], an old friend of Lola's dad, and an olympic medalist from Atlanta.

In 1984, Juan Martinez won an olympic gold medal because of the absence of the Russian and other eastern European athletes, including the dad of Shelby's opponent! And he lived here on the campus.

The Russians are still in a stinky mood.

Shelby will have to fight for her live.

We should get Lola's dad for our project!

Love, Dustin.

[ lolas dad] cf. Zoey 101 : Wrestling

he is identified with Juan from iCarly : iFight Shelby Marx

[ shelby marx] from iCarly : iFight Shelby Marx

[ jackson colt] from iCarly : iLook Alike

Chapter 24. Twenty-Fourth Letter

Sweetest Morgan,

you're right about martial artists, especially those mixed ones, and the wrestlers.

They are a bit crazy.

It must be a leftover from the times of the hunters and gatherers.

They are just totally addicted to the rush of adrenaline.

I think it is a little bit disgusting.

And same goes for the football players, such as Vincent Blake.

The worst jock of this sort is certainly one Chuck Javers[ chuch javers] . He had beaten Zoey unconscious in a wrestling match for the regionals.

That was so mean.

Too bad some of the kids here on the campus can't distinguish the fine sports from brute display of muscles.

The cheerio girls here are the worst of all. They are all dumb squealers.

The worst of them is one Miranda Franklin, alias “Makeout Mandy”[ makeout mandy franklin]. She always makes out with the greatest, such as Vince Blake, even in front of their girlfriends.

The hunters of some primitive peoples still get received by the village girls this way after a successful hunt.

I think it's disgusting.

Love, Dustin.

[ chuch javers] from Zoey 101 : Wrestling

[ makeout mandy franklin] mentioned in Zoey 101 : Chasing Zoey

Chapter 25. Twenty-Fifth Letter

Dearest Morgan,

you are right about Chuck Javers.

Alas, I would rather see him as a cave bear than as a cave man.

Oh, yeah, I really like Carly's skits aboout troglodytes.

Especially Carly as a young trog and Freddie and Sam as her parents.

Really, I imagine Carly as very progressive.

Fredward and Samantha, on the other hand, do appear like dumb stone age people in my mind.

Sorry for not yet mentioning the following:

Samantha Puckett has been a student at “Pacific Coast Academy”, like three years ago![ sam at pca]

We were dating for a short period.

I'm still totally embarrassed for that.

This circumstance has always made it very hard to talk to anyone about Sam, even to you.

But of course I have to tell you, due to us dating.

Her twin sister Melanie[ melanie puckett] is still around on the campus.

Melanie and Sam are terribly different.

Sam is the troglodyte.

Melanie represents civilisation. She's also one of the less annoying cheerio girls.

Yours always loving and caring,


[ sam at pca] identifies Samantha Puckett from iCarly with Trisha Kirby from Zoey 101 : Bad Girl.

[ melanie puckett] from iCarly : iTwins

Chapter 26. Twenty-Sixth Letter

Hi Sweetheart,

you're totally right about Lewbert.

He is even more of a member of a primitive tribe than Samantha Puckett.

I've totally enjoyed Carly's recent pranks on that digusting doorman.

He is rather a native warthog than a native human, though.

Also, wrestling ox Duke[ wrestler duke] from Carly's school, viz. “Ridgeway”, belongs into that category.

He has also been at “Pacific Coast Academy” like, two years ago. He was in our wrestling team. But he was always in a miserable shape.

Freddie is right about him.

People should do some intelligence fortifiers into his favourite food.

So, you have really met Melanie in the cafeteria? Have you noticed the great differences to Sam?

And they are monozygotic twins!

Who would have believed that?

Well, Lola and Shelby certainly look very similar, and they have got a common grandmom.

I wonder about their discrepances.

Is Shelby really such a brute and crazed native like Chuck Javers?

your loving Dustin.

[ wrestler duke] from iCarly : iHatch Chicks

He's identified with same actor's character in Zoey 101 : Wrestling, viz. Blatzberg

Chapter 27. Twenty-Seventh Letter

Dearest sweetheart Morgan,

you're so right about Sam.

Without Carly's support, she would be in youth prison all of the time.

Carly must perform insane efforts in order to keep her out of gaol.

But now there are news about our goldrush themed party.

There will be a new museum for this time.

Basically, the museum has already existed, but now it gets relocated and expanded.

And Reuben has suggested a field trip over there.

We have already got many field trips during the last year.

I hope they make it a trip for all middle school classes.

This way , we could go there side by side, hand in hand.

Oops! Blush!

There are so many old things to discover in such a museum.

I would not collect old things.

They are so dusty and shriveled and so on.

Mr. Murphy[ mr murphy], one of the teachers for history, will most likely be responsible for such a trip. He can be grumpy, but he's otherwise quite OK.

Of course, Dean Rivers will have to agree on the trip, first.

And he is realy stressed by his evil wife.

See you for dinner at “Sushi Rox”!

Faithfully yours,


[ mr murphy] mentioned in Zoey 101 : Rumours of Love

Chapter 28. Twenty-Eighth Letter

Sweetest Morgan,

you are right, some of our field trips were vey exciting.

But others were totally lame, too.

My favourite field trip was that to a submarine research station right a few miles off the shore near Seal Beach.

Mr. Rudolph[ mr rudolph], our teacher for biology, took us on a trip there.

We had to make it there in some sort of a submarine vassel.

Talking about submarines … Carly Shay's dad is an officer in a submarine.

That's why she hardly ever gets to see him.

I'm also separated from my parents by an ocean.

But at least they have got solid ground beneath their feet.

Now back to the submarine trip …

We've seen some white sharks passing by.

That was really scary.

They must have considered us as canned food.

I had to tremble for several hours straight.

Fortunately, the walls of the submarine station were tough.

They were only rather young sharks.

But I was fairly young, too.

But the mere thought of the sharks beyond the window makes me still tremble through and through.

OK, see you for dinner.

Faithfully yours,


[ mr rudolph] mentioned in Zoey 101 : Lola Likes Chase

Chapter 29. Twenty-Ninth Letter

My dear sweetheart,

Mr. Murphy has actually submitted the field trip to the school's administration.

And Dean River has not objected.

Now it is up to our parents to let us go on the trip.

In our history classes, we are now talking about the conquest of California and the war over it with Mexico.

As known by us, this time almost coincided with the begin of the big gold rush.

Have you heard news from Harper?

He appears to be very busy.

It would be a pity to have to make our big party without him.

Harper seems to make a steep career, even more straightforward than Drake Bell.

This can be seen as a conquest on its own right, wouldn't you think?

One pop musican conquers the whole nation, maybe even the whole world, with his voice and with his guitar.

Harper could not fit any better to the theme of the party!

So I hope to hear about him soon again.

Yours forever loving and Caring,


Chapter 30. Thirtieth Letter

My dearest sweetie,

oh yeah!

Great Harper Harris has finally found some time for us!

I have to thank you so much for having tried so hard.

That must have been a tough fight in order to amke it right there.

Talking about fighting …

Weren't there so-called buffalo soldiers, of Afro-American ethnicity, in late nineteenth century, after the war of secession?

Reggae idol Robert Marley once sang a song of that title, or something fairly similar.

And André and Harper look very similar to Robert Marley.

Maybe Harper is able to connect this with the theme of the party, the time of the conquest of Califiornia including the wars against Mexico, inspite of predating the war of secession.

André could sure write a cool song about it.

I totally trust in his abilities as a music producer of the future.

Anyways, we should look forward to a great party.

We should talk more about it at dinner.

Most faithfully yours forever,


Chapter 31. Thirty-First Letter

Dearest sweetheart Morgan,

The party is getting closer and closer.

I'm so totally looking forward to seeing two big stars at least visiting us: Harper Harris and Jackson Colt.

We need to prepare the party very well.

Zoey is in the organisational committee of the event. She does that almost every time. But she is always busy with so many other things. How does she always get them done?

Talking about stars … last week, a strange lady from China asked us about the number of stars of Kazu's “Sushi Rox”.

But our restaurant is just for us students and the teachers and staff members and our visitors.

I don't believe in it being listed in some list of restaurants for tourists.

Maybe this should change?

But we can't compete in any way with nearby “Vaccaro”[ vaccaro].

That's one totally expensive shed.

We students can't afford it, barring Logan Reese.

The latter's dad has recently bought the whole thing.

I guess it has got six stars by now.

But Kazu is a much better cook than the guy from there, after all.

We don't have to be ashamed of “Sushi Rox”, with or without stars.

Seeya tonight,

your loving Dustin.

[ vaccaro] cf. Zoey 101 : Dinner For Two Many

Chapter 32. Thirty-second Letter

Dearest sweetie,

so we've finally also seen Shelby Marx.

And she totally looks like Lola!

How may someone looking as harmless as Lola Martinez being such a dangerous martial fury?

Fortunatley, she does notpunch and kick outside the cage without provocation.

Otherwise we'd be bloody bulps by now.

Her name doesn't even sound like a Latina name.

She isn't proud of her criolla heritage and has changed to something sounding British.

Lola has got even more alike-looking cousins: Victoria Vega, Tamara Dyson[ tamara dyson], Vivian[ vivian], maybe even more.

Their common grandmother looked exactly like them, back in her teenge time.

Do you want to know my most stupid fantasy?

I'm going to tell you anyways:

Could Tammi, Tori, Lola, and Shelby be all the same person, just changing character at whim?

I know …

It sounds so totally stupid.

It's like one and the same actress having several rôles.

But Lola is really not athletic.

And Shelby is full of muscles.

She can't grow and perish them at whim, just to change in character temporarily.

Only Quinn could invent such a thing.

And that would probably go awry.

Anyways, enough for now.

Love you,


[ tamara dyson] Tammi from Spectacular!

[ vivian] from True Jackson VP : True Date

Chapter 33. Thirty-third Letter

Dearest Morgan,

you're so right, Melanie and Sam are a lot like Lola, Tori, Shelby, Tammi, and Vivian.

And Melanie has even got two vey similar looking cousins, too!

Christina Saunders[ christina saunders] lives in Frisco.

Ann “Pinky”Turzo[ pinky] lives in New York City.

Poor Freddie from iCarly would probably turn insane with all those cloned Sams.

Maybe it's even easier to imagine someone shifting shapes rather than staying in the same shape forever yet shifting character.

The formner happens a lot in certain toons read by Zoey's enemy Wayne “Firewire” Gilbert.[ firewires toons]

Be a normal human by day, a superhero by night!

Now that also reminds me of Suzannah Louisiana[ suzannah Louisiana] , one of my favourite real action shows by Malcolm Reese.

She's a teenager like you and me. But she switches outfit and assumes a pseudonym in order to appear as a superstar.

I sometimes wish to be able to do that.

Forever yours,


[ christina saunders] from Best Player

[ pinky] from True Jackson VP : True Jackson VP : Amanda Hires A Pink

[ firewires toons] cf. Zoey 101 : Favor Chain

It alludes to tird-party owned toons of the series Marvel and DC.

[ suzannah Louisiana] popular spoof off third-party owned show Hannah Montana

story: letters to morgan

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