iFight A Madman::II

Sep 28, 2010 12:41


Chapter 3  The Hunt

Carly, Freddie, and Sam sat in the attic.

Freddie checked the recent feedbacks.

Sam had talked about Quinn's observations.

Carly checked the story of the Russian spy that had disappeared a few years ago.

He was believed dead by some Russians.

Others believed him to be identical to some insaner in some rehabilitation camp.

But nobody was sure.

This confusion was a perfect background for a spy.

Sam grinned. "Ryan Laserbeam must be right."

Freddie grunted, "dream on! The Russian spy was awhite. Jackson Colt, on the other hand..."

Sam shrugged."Ask Quinn Pensky! She's smarter than you. As a matter of fact, girls are smarter than boys. Face it, Dorkweird!"

Freddie grunted.

Carly had to prevent him from kicking Sam hard into the groin.

Freddie picked up his cellular phone. "OK, your mom's surgeon must be a spaz. I'm going to ask her!"

Carly shrugged. "You don't even have her number!"

Sam took some sharp pencil. Then she grabbed Freddie's right arm and etched the digits into his palms. "This will help you, Freakwart!"

Freddie squealed for the pain. But he achieved typing the long number.

"Hello, this is Freddie B., some `friend' of the daughter of Mrs. Puckett," stammered Freddie.

Quinn giggled. "Oh Freddie! I've heard a lot about you. Do you really use the green screen in your web shows? I've invented it. That's cool!"

Flattered Freddie coughed. "Oh, really? You must be awesome..."

Quinn continued asking about technical details. "Do you use Quinndoze QP, a very cool operational system? I';ve invented it as well."

Freddie fainted. "Wow! It dowes power my laptop used for the show. It's the greatest operational system... ever!" He sweated.

Sam giggled. "You see? Boys can't hols a candle to girls."

Freddie sighed due to feeeling incredibly dumb.

Carly urged Freddie to hurry up. "So, what about the Russian spy?"

Freddie asked Quinn.

The geek girl replied, "OK, changing the skin's colour is possible by using certain drugs. I've started brewing some i order to reproduce that effect in order to prove that."

Freddie had switched his cellular phone into megaphone mode.

Sam had thus been able to follow the concverstaion. "Take that, Fred! Your mom will die upon seeing you run around with a dark skin."

Quinn grinned. "Unfortunately, it will take me some time to come up with such a thing, like two or three..."

Freddie grunted, "two or three what? Days? Weeks?"

Sam shook her head. "You need to learn to be patient, you dweeb," thundered she into Freddie's face.

Quinn replied, "could be four, or five..."

Freddie moaned, "months? years?"

Carly remembered having heard a similar conversation. 1

Quinn sighed, "I'm not a soothsayer. If you need a witch, ask Malika 2 or Megan."

Freddie threw up. "Malika?"

Sam giggled.

Carly wasn't pleased, either.

Quinn had to hurry up. "I'm coming to you tomorrow at 9.15 a.m. See you!"

Megan and Drake had already returned to San Diego.

"Too bad," moaned Carly, "now I can't ask Megan in person."

Freddie declared, "there's no such thing as magics and soothsaying."

Sam chuckled.

Alas, Carly was not convinced by Freddie's categorial statement.

Sam said. "Let's go and have chicken wings at Crusty Chix 3"

Carly smiled.

Freddie moaned, "you know that I'm not allowed to leave Bushwell Plaza without mom's company."

Sam giggled with glee. "Aw, who isn't allowed to leave the Plaza?"

Freddie exploded.

Next morning, Quinn showed at Bushwell Plaza.

Carly asked, "are you done with the potion?"

Quinn shook her head. "oh no, I'm going to perform some upgrades of the technology of iCarly. Freddie still uses some outdated stuff..."

Sam chuckled.

Carly objected, "oh, I'm content with the technology we've got."

Quinn shrugged helplessly. She was not going to stop, anyways.

Freddie showed Quinn to his laptop. "OK, this is the heart of the technology."

Quinn nodded. "OK, before we start... the green wire needs to go into the spot of the blue wire. It's the plug intended for red wires."

Freddie was a bit confused.

Sam giggled.

Quinn continued her work. "By the way, the ugly guy in the lobby needs a surguical removal of some wart in his face. I'm going to make him a special offer, as for your mom..."

Carly sighed. "Lewbert? I'm not sure about him wanting to get rid of it..."

Sam nodded solemnly. "Good luck!"

Quinn shrugged. "Too... my acting cousin Camille is soon going to try out for a show named Witches Of Rodeo Drive 4. She could use a real wart transplant." She sighed.

Freddie shuddered with disgust. "She must be much more ugly than Lola."

Quinn cackled. "Oh, Camille is not ugly, unless she dresses deliberately like that."

Carly sighed with relief.

Quinn announced her next steps for the update. She removed one ofher sleeves in order to fetch a skrewdriver from her armpits.

Sam grunted, "Quinn hides tools in the strangest places... one day, when she removed some knot from mom's butt..."

Freddie was close to throwing up again.

Alas, Quinn's action had reveiled some tattoo.

Carly glared at it. She had seen the picture once in her life. Nevel's brain? Nevel was the only one insane enough to show a picture of his brain around. But how did it make it onto Quinn's arm?

Quinn grinned. "Oh, that's a pic of my smart half-brother's brain."

Carly felt like hit by a giant meteorite.

Sam grunted, "you wear a tattoo of Nevel's brain?"

Freddie was consternated. She's gaga!

Quinn explained, "Nevel is one of my half-brothers. I have invented the portable brain scanner, testing it on Nevel."

Carly needed to sit down. The world was so small...

Sam had lost her tongue.

Quinn admonished, "but never tell my mom about dad's unlawful kids. She owns the house, the cars, the park, the ..."

Freddie grunted, "OK, I think we've got it..."

Quinn grinned. "I've also invented the painless tattoo maker. It allows me to tattoo an arbotrary picture onto anyone's skin within a few seconds..."

Freddie remembered the excessive pains he had received from Sam's cousin Annie. 5 "I want a painless tattoo!"

Carly grunted, "not of me!"

Freddie shook his head. "I'm over that."

Sam asked, "of whom?"

Freddie explained, "Sabrina 6... Gibby's cousin." He swooned. "I've webchatted with her during the last days. You know, I mustn't leave the Plaza, as opposed to some `best friends'."

His voice was excessively sarcastic.

Sam was consternated. A female version of Gibby? That was so disgusting... She had never met Sabrina, though. She was just guessing.

Quinn smiled. "OK. Have you got a picture of her?"

Freddie nodded. "It's saved in my laptop, slash home slash fredward slash public underscore html slash pictures slash hottest underscore chick underscore ever DOT png."

Quinn nodded. "OK..." She fumbled at Freddie's laptop. "Found it! Now we must install the driver for the tattoo-burning device."

Freddie smiled.

Sam grunted, "whatever!"

Quinn grinned. "OK, it uses the USB port. But where do you want to have the tattoo?"

Freddie whispered a few words into Quinn's ears.

Quinn nodded. "OK. I guess you better go into a closet for that."

Carly and Sam were disappointed.

Freddie looked at Sam with disgust. "You will never get to see the tattoo."

Sam grunted, "I don't want to!"

Quinn unpacked a little portable device. "This is my baby, the skin roaster..." She plugged it into the USB port and sent Freddie into a dark cell. "Squeal when you're ready!"

Freddie nodded and disappeared in no time.

Quinn pushed the buttons.

Freddie declared to be ready.

Quinn counted down, "tattoo in five... four... three... two..."

Freddie squealed, "Aw, it tickles!"

Quinn smiled. "Tattoo complete!"

A minute later, Freddie returned from the dark room. "That was cool!"

Carly wonderd, "are those tattoos removable?"

Quinn replied, "Not by usual means... you need to overpaint them, using the drugs that allowed for a change of the Russian spy's skin colour!"

Carly coulkd not control herself and keeled over laughing.

Sam grinned. "Perfect!"

Freddie was left alone in his apartment.

Carly and Sam had gone shopping.

Spencer was with Socko.

Freddie's cellular phone started ringing.

Freddie picked up the mobile device. "Fredward benson... oh no... Malika!"

Malika grinned. "Yeah, it's me, Fredward! I could know a way to help you finding Jackson Colt..."

Freddie gasped, "how?"

Malika answered, "I may use my telepathic abilities..."

Freddie replied brashly, "There's no such thing as telepathy!" Suddenly he started floating a foot above the ground. "Hey, what's that?" He floundered and reeled before slumping back to the floor.

Malika giggled, "Telekinesis!"

Freddie coughed. "OK, what is your trick?"

Malika grunted, "aw, forget it, you ungrateful hillbilly!"

Freddie cried, "whatever it is, if it does the trick... but I won't kiss you!"

Malika chuckled. "You're not even worthy of Carly, so forget that... alas, I need something belonging to Jackson Colt in order to locate him."

Freddie sighed. "let me see ... I'll try to get something suitable..."

Malika ended the call.

Freddie started pondering. Jackson had a son, kevin... if it was Jackson's son... He opened his laptop in order to look for Kevin's email address. He started sending Kevin a message about the whole mess. Then he waited for a few minutes. Quinn had been able to get Colt's DNA checked... the same thing could have been useful for Malika's purposes.

Suddenly, a lamp flickered in Freddie's virtual mailbox.

Freddie clicked on it.

Freddie's message to Kevin Colt had been bouncing.

The address did not exist any longer.

Who was Kevin Colt, anyways?

Kevin could have been a Russian spy, as well.

Freddie started to type Quinn's long number. "Hi, this is Freddie B."

Quinn grinned. "Hi freddie, what's up? I'm not yet done with the drug."

Freddie nodded. "Guessed so. But you must have a sample of Colt's DNA. Correct?"

Quinn confirmed Freddie's assumption.

Freddie asked Quinn to transfer it to Malika. "She believes in being able to locate Colt by means of telekinesis..."

"Telepathy," replied Quinn, "telekinesis means moving remote things..."

Freddie choked, "whatever... she needs something belonging to Jackson Colt."

Quinn nodded. "I'll come in five...four...three...two..."

Freddie sighed.

Alas, mom had locked him into the apartment.

How was Quinn going to get there?

A few minutes later, the apartment's door went open.

Quinn smiled. "Sam gave me the second key for this loft."

Freddie grunted, "she has got one?" Freddie trembled with excessive fears.

Quinn nodded solemnly. Then she rendered some torn fabric from Jackson's battle suit unto Freddie. "Talking about DNA... I have also checked some of yours."

Freddie looked aghast.

Quinn continued, "You don't know your dad yet, right? I've made an astounding discovery: We're probably half-siblings."

Freddie gasped for consternation.

Quinn comforted him. "Take it easy!"

Freddie tried to.

But, unfortunately, the fact implied a relationship between Freddie and Nevel.

That was totally hard to digest.

Freddie stammered, "will you get a tattoo of me, too? It would be unfair..."

Quinn nodded. "OK... maybe onto one of my toes?"

Freddie scratched his chin. "A toe?"

Quinn explained, "my right foot has got six toes. 7"

Freddie choked. "Does that hurt?"

Quinn shook her head. "I got accustomed to it."

Freddie sighed. "OK, there's something with my right foot... I've `only' got five toes there, but..."He removed his sock. "There's a spot that hurts on occasions."

Quinn sighed. "Let me check it..." She unpacked a quinnocular, a defnset of five coordinated telescopes. "My invention! It allows you to inspect things. It was also used for scanning Nevel's brain."

Freddie smiled. "Cool!"

Quinn checked Freddie's foot. "Holy Guacamole! You must have had a surgery at your right foot, a stump of a sixth toe is still discernable!"

Freddie gasped. He could not remember. But it made sense... mom would have certainly hired a surgeon to do so at a very early age. It also confirmed Quinn and Freddie being related.

Quinn asked, "what body part do you want to have scanned?" She aimed her quinnocular loosely into Freddie's general direction.

Freddie replied, "maybe my brain?"

Quinn nodded. "OK... what's that?" Shew was dismayed when taking a look at Freddie's skull.

Freddie wondered, "What's up?"

Quinn answered, "there's a microchiop in your brain. 8" She ppointed at the corresponding spot.

Freddie gasped. "That's why it hurts on occasions. This started when I was in Japan, a few moths ago..."

Quinn sighed. "It must have been in there since your infancy."

Freddie squealed, "mom, you are going to rue that day! Until dystopia will you rue it!"

Quinn sighed. "Mothers..."

Freddie nodded solemnly.

Quinn offered to remove the chip surgically.

Smiling Freddie had got an additional idea. "OK, give the chip to Malika and let her find the creep of a surgeon?"

Quinn nodded. "That sounds totally great!"

At the same time, Nevel was waiting in his attic.

His cellularphone rang like a storm bell.

Nevel picked it up. "Nevel Papperman from Nevelocity dot com..."

It was Megan Parker. "Hi sweetie!"

Nevel swooned recklessly. "Megan!"

Megan explained, "OK, I've been talking to an experienced mixed martial fighter named Chuck Javers 9. He has recently knocked out my perverse ex-boyfriend Corey 10."

Nevel shrugged.

Megan continued, "now I know how Shelby died. I had to use my telepathic powers as a backup, though, using the methods learned from some Magic Malika."

Nevel smiled with glee.

Megan announced, "now I'm able to revive Shelby Marx."

Nevel cheered fanatically. "He'll squeal himself to death when facing Shelby again!"

Megan grinned with mischief. "We'll turn him crazy by haunting him with pictures of Lola, Tammi, Viviana, and Tori. And then, finally, Shelby will strike."

Nevel smiled. "When will you perform the miracle?"

Megan chuckled. "OK, let me start..." She sang, "Shelby'll come around the mountain when she comes. Shelby'll come around the mountain when she comes..."

Nevel saw a puff of smoke condensing in his attic. He was a bit confused.

There she was: Shelby Marx, alive and well!

Nevel was still struck aghast.

Shelby smiled. "Where am I?"

Nevel explained the situation.

Shelby grinned. "Wow, that's cool! Lola is always subbing for me in fake fights, such as against Carly. She will replace me convincingly as long as it doesn't come dwn to my muscles."

Nevel nodded. "But it's important for all of us to keep it a secret."

Shelby nodded solemnly. She had to be careful to not bruise Nevel too much by hugging him. "That's why I don't want to marry Freddie. I need a guy with lots of muscles --- such as Vince Blake. She sighed with jealousy."

Nevel beamed. "Use your similarity in order to sneak him off Lola. You're `dead'. So he'll take you for Lola."

Shelby smiled. "Aw, you're one conner."

Nevel smiled with glee.
1 cf. iCarly : iSaw Him First 2 cf. iCarly : iSpeed Date 3 name chosen in analogy to a restaurant's name from Spongebob Squarepants, a cartoon show which I don't own 4 cf. Bigtime Rush : Big Time Break --- probably a spoof off Wizards Of Waverly Place, a show I don't own 5 cf.iCarly : iStake Out 6 cf. iCarly : iBeat The Heat 7 cf, Zoey 101 : Zoey's Balloon 8 cf. iCarly : iGo To Japan 9 cf. Zoey 101 : Wrestling 10 cf. Drake & Josh : Megan's First Kiss

Chapter 4  Finale

T-Bo the waiter had only two guests left in his shop to serve, Groovy Smoothie.

Magic Malika took a close look at the scrap torn off Jackson Colt's factory. She started talking, "aw, I see ... the big city of Moscow... "

Carly panted heavily.

Malika continued, "it's already almost ten years ago... I could use astrology in order to..."

Carly shook her head. "You may determine the details later on."

Sam belched. "As she said... I need some barbecue chops first."

Malika continued. "There's a fight between two men... more muscles than brain..."

Carly sighed. "Obviously..."

Malika explained, "one of them goes down badly and is almost killed. Maybe he's left dead by the medics. The winner is named `Freight Train'."

Carly gasped.

According to Freddie's research, the potential Russian martial artist identical to jackson Colt had been rumoured to be killed in a train wreck, before the official version was switched to having cone insane and hospitalised.

Sam grunted, "Freight Train must be one hell of a fighter... I don't want to meet him at moonlight..."

Carly sighed. "Maybe we have to do exactly that..."

Sam bellowed, "are you gaga?"

Carly explained, "Freight Train can stop Colt... again!"

Malika continued, "the wrecked fighter was restored by secret medics in Siberia, and then sent in a secret mission to Mew York and Los Angeles."

Carly and Sam sighed.

Malika continued. "I see a fight between Shewlby Marx and a Russian girl... the daughter of the owner of that scrap. The Russian girl is beat bleeding."

Carly assumed this as the motivation for Jackson Colt having gone insane: Revenge for his daughter.

Malika could determine a few more details.

But Carly was content with her freshly obtained informations.

At the same time, Vince Blake had obtained an invitation for a dinner date with Lola in Pete's And Sam's 1, a noble restaurant located in uptown Los Angeles.

Unbeknownst to Vince, the invitation had been really sent by Nevel Papperman.

Shelby was already waiting for Lola's lover.

Vince entered the noble shed. "Hi sweets!" He kissed Shelby tenderly, secure in the knowledge of kissing Lola.

Shelby kissed him back.

They started ordering off the menu.

Vince wondered, "Have you been working out?"

Shelby stammered, "why... do you think so?"

Vince shrugged. "Your arms look less fragile than before."

Shelby replied, "oh, I wear a fake biceps, it's for a rôle in a new movie."

Vince sighed. "OK, I've already hoped you to follow a bit Shelby's footsteps, let's say, act in her memory."

Shelby shrugged.

Vince continued, "so there's no hope for you to join me to my football practice and run a few miles with me around the pitch?"

Lola beamed. "Sure... why not?"

Vince was flabbergasted.

Shelby grinned. The plan worked very well!

Freddie counted down, "online in five...four...three...two..."

Carly and Sam started the show.

Carly told everyone about Magic Malika's fresh revelations.

A little later, there was a first chat request in the queue.

Freddie switched the buttons.

A tweenie girl appeared on the screen. "Hi, my name is Katie Knight. I'm from Los Angeles, but really from Minnesota. Who cares?"

Topless Gibby remarked, "she's cute!"

Sam shrugged. "And you're a dork."

Carly smiled, "OK, Katie, have you got any new informations?"

Katie replied, "sure, I know about Freight Train, He's now a bodyguard at Rocque Record's, my brother's record studio."

Carly gasped. "Wow, that was fast! May we talk to him?"

Katie nodded. "I'll ask his bosses, Mr. Rocque and Mr. Griffin."

Carly smiled. "OK!"

Katie continued, "oh, my bro Kendall's friend Logan Mitchell has to say something..."

Sam bellowed, "Mitchell? As in Shannon Mitchell 2?"

"She's his cousin," explained Katie.

Sam grunted, "is he also as gaga as his cousin who believed that Freddie was cute?"

Logan ignored Sam. "Hello, I just want to say something to a girl from New York City I met recently at the national mathlympics... Lulu Johnson, I love you!" He blew a virtual kiss.

Katie came back. "Bye the way, I like that shirtless freak! He should come to visit me here at Palmwoods."

The connection broke down.

Gibby bounced cheerfully from wall to wall.

Carly thanked everyone. "I think we are now a lot closer..."

A new chatr session was approved by Freddie.

Ryan Laserbeam appeared at the monitor. "Hi, I've known it! He's a Russian spy!"

Sam nodded.

Ryan continued, "Sam, I know your cousin Pinky 3. She goes to my school. You really look alike."

Sam grunted, "Pinky is cool. She treats all lamers like dirt. I'd love to unleash her upon Freddie. But New Ypork City is far away."

Ryan squealed. "oh, hi, this is my friend Lulu Johnson..."

Lulu jumped to the screen. "OK, Logan, I'll give you a try. See us in the next mathlympic camp!" She waved and disappeared again.

Ryan had another friend waiting behind him.

"My name is True Jackson," remarked the girl, "I'm a Vice President at MadStyle Inc., here in New York City. I've heard from your fan Dustin Brooks that his sister is looking for a job as a fashion designer. I need some, let's say, outpost in Los Angeles. Maybe your sister is interested?"

Spencer heard that. He stumbled in. "Are you talking about Zoey Brooks?" He blushed.

True nodded. "That's her!"

Spencer bounced. "Yeah! Zoey rocks!"

Carly sighed. Spencer had never been that keen on a young adult... but, hey, she really liked Zoey's little brother, that made up for everything.

Ryan had something more to say. "Sam, I've heard that you're always hungry, I've invented a new trick for cheating on vendor machines, just using a hockey stick.."

Sam beamed. "Wow! I like that... Pinky should stuff you into a parcel and send you to me!" She started swooning.

Freddie had to get ready for a web chat with his Sabrina. Thus he had to declare the web episode for terminated. He was also thoroughly disgusted by Sam's too many alike-looking relatives, including a cousin in Canada 4. He needed to get away from there.

Freddie, Carly, and Spencer went to Los Angeles in order to visit Freight Train. They were intimidated by the terrifying size of the body guard and enforcer.

Lola Martinez was with them.

Katie had talked Freight Train into a little short movie with Lola.

Spencer explained, "Ok, on this movie, Lola, representing her deceased cousin Shelby, will fight Freight Train. After a long match, Freight Train will go down, but not without declaring Shelby to be ready to beat up Jackson Colt, making him pay for his actions."

Freddie explained, "to make it clear, Lola will fight alone. Freight Train will fight alone. But my green screen will make the viewers believe in a fight between Shelby and Freight Train."

The participants nodded.

The fight started.

Spencer grinned. "OK, that should be enough to make Jackson Colt screw up completely."

Shelby and Vince were jogging up and down Malibu beach.

Along came Vince's sister Ashley 5, a teenage Hollywood starlet. She grinned. "Hi bro, the shootings for Witches Of Rodeo Drive 6 got cancelled because Lola has got the flu."

Vince shrugged.

Shleby stammered, "I've got what?"

Ashley grinned. "Shelby Marx!"

Vince was consternated. That's where her sudden muscles had come from. But why did he enjoy those few days with Shelby more than he had ever enjoyed two years with Lola?

Ashley explained, "I don't know how you have survived that, but now you're back!"

Shelby fainted.

Ashley commanded, "OK, listen, Vince liking Lola was an accident. It had served the single purpose of punishing one of her friends, Chase Bartholomew Matthews, the biggest traitor in history, outdoing Judah Ischariot, Brutus, and Benedict Arnold by leagues. Chase had denounced Vince shamelessly and destroyed his dream of becoming quarterback of the winner's team of California's highschool football league." She continued, "well, I had peroperly planned on making Vince seduce Zoey Brooks, the girlfriend of Chase, but things went a bit awry... whatever, Lola served the plans just fine. Chase has now got a new girlfriend named Addie Singer, anyways."

Vince gasped. "Yeah, Shelby, that's so true. I've never really liked Lola... She's too... girlish and fragile for my taste. Ashley taught me to feign being nice and get Chase and his friends to forgive me, until time was right in order to make Chase and his foolish friends pay."

Shelby pulled Vince into a close hug abnd kiss. "Let's forget about Lola!"

"And this day is now," boomed Ashley, "or whenever Lola gets to know about that kiss. It serves her well getting hurt for supporting a reckless traitor." She smiled diabolically.

Vince smiled sweetly.

The short movie had served his purpose very well.

Jackson Colt went totally insane upon seeing many movies about Shelby's victorious fight with Freight Train, the only opponent he had ever feared seriously. He was finally arrested by Officer Garcia 7, the father of one of Katie's brother's friends, for attempted violent bank robbery. He was in the Los Angeles Police headquarters.

Lola was already waiting, protected by three body guards: Freight Train, Duke Blatzberg, and Chuck Javers.

Officer Garcia thank Lola for her great performance.

Jackson Colt screamed like a fury.

In this moment, Megan Parker walked in, followed by Shelby Marx and Vince Blake.

Jackson jumped at Shelby, trying to kill her again.

But Shelby was alert. She made the heavywight flounder and keel over.

Everone expected Shelby to hurt Colt badly.

But the martial girl shook her head. "Listen, I'm sorry for having hurt your daughter in combat. She was a bit sick and should have been stopped by the medics before the start of the combat. But the medics here are all corrupt and take bribes by greedy sponsors. Anyways, there has been enough violence already." She huggled Vince.

Vince kissed Shelby.

Lola gasped. "Vince? What the..."

Vince grinned."It's over, Lola. I love Shelby."

Lola went pale.

Megan grinned. She called Drake on her cellular phone, telling him to go and comfort Lola. Lola was a perfect girlfriend for Drake. They were the same league, and so totally cute together. She smiled.

Kevil Colt had been found, too.

Quinn Pensky had unveiled him as a white caucasion by means of a counter drug developed by her husband Cal.

Kevin was not ome arbitrary white boy, but... Jonah, ex-girlfriend of Samantha Puckett, 8 and a Russian spy, just like Jackson and Mr. Hibbert from MadStyle. 9

Jonah had been on a mission of luring iCarly into a secret site for Russian spies.

Drake comforted Lola and made her happy, made her happy, made her want to sing. 10

Samantha and Ryan left a trail of broken vendor machines across the USA. But they were never caught.

Logan Mitchell and Lulu Johnson spent their honeymoon on the Number Islands.

Logan Reese, a former friend of Lola, Zoey, and Quinn, purchased the exclusive rights for a movie about the `Russian Martial Machine'. It was a wedding gift for his wife Autumn Williams, a cheerleader and supermodel.

Dustin and Zoey moved in with Spencer and Carly. They started planning for a double wedding to come, in, like, eight years or so. They ordered some wedding march from Megan and Nevel.

Zoey was now working for MadStyle's new branch in Seattle.

Upon Shelby's request, her former torturer had not been imprisoned, but put into an open therapy, under the permanent supervision of Freight Train, just in case.

Shelby had also enforced better medical controls before and during the match.

Finally, time had come for a second fight between Shelby and the Russian girl, coached by her boyfriend Chuck Javers.

Umpire Freight Train opened the ultimate fight.

Victoria Vega, the singing cousin of Shelby, whipped the cheerleader girls around Trina Vega, Melanie Puckett, and Autumn Williams.
It's the ear of the lion
It's the thrill of the stray
There is no other skill left to rely on
And the last known survivor
Stalks his prey all the day
And he's hearing us all with the ears of a lion 11

The fight ended with a draw, just as everything between life and death.

Megan and Nevel grinned. There should have been more adventures like this. They did not really believe in a difference between life and death, anyways.

textitThe End
1 mentioned in Zoey 101 : Chasing Zoey 2 cf. iCarly : iWin A Date 3 same actress's rôle in True Jackson VP :Amanda Hireas A Pink 4 same actress's rôle in Best Player 5 cf. Drake & Josh : Little Diva 6 mentioned in Bigtime Rush : Big Time Break --- probably spoof off Wizards Of Waverly Place which I don' own, either 7 cf. Bigtime Rush : Big Time Break 8 cf. iCarly : iHate Sam's Boyfriend 9 cf. True Jackson VP : Amanda Hireas A Pink 10 allusion to Makes Me happy, a song by Drake Bell which I don't own 11 spoof off Eye Of A Tiger, a song by Survivor which I don't own

fic, show: icarly, fanfic, show: drake & josh, show: zoey 101, story: ifight a madman, crossover

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