(no subject)

Dec 06, 2010 01:42

Tumblr is down! Livejournal time?

2010 year in review post meme! First lines from every first post of the month! I think I did this last year, too. Let's see how this goes.


I have shiny new icons! Yay!

[I think I might do a big revamp of my icons again at the beginning of next year. Yearly icon cleaning tradition? I think that sounds like a good idea! My icons got a little disorganized and I like having new ones! And more variance in fandoms, maybe?]


Uh, so I made a fic comm for myself, where I'll be archiving all of my fanfiction!

[Ah, the birth of real_legend ! I was starting to get really into actually writing fanfic in the beginning of 2010. I'm sad I haven't really been writing as much, lately. I was in creative writing class at the time so that helped me a lot, but I feel like I've gotten rusty]


My sister and I spazzing out about various nerdy things happening this month, such as the new chapter of FMA and Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver.

[Oh man, back when FMA was still coming out! This was a video post I made with my sister, where we spazzed out about FMA chapter 105, Pokemon HG/SS, and the band cruise that we were going on later that month. March was awesome!]


Yeah, yeah, woo. heyyoitsmj  and I are about finished with our general FMA fanmix. It's quite angsty, haha. A preview, it's called Change All the Lead which is a pretty baller title if I do say so myself, because it's referencing alchemy, haha. (it's a lyric from Neighborhood #1 by The Arcade Fire.) It should go up sometime next week when I get back.

[I STILL LOVE THIS FANMIX SO SO SO MUCH <3 This is during the early days of the FMA obsession, right after MJ finished reading it. I was about to leave for the Final Four in Indianapolis, which DUKE WON! That was a really fun time. I listened to that fanmix the entire trip.]


Man, today was the longest day ever. I failed my AP exam for Statistics hahahaha. Oh well, it's not like I was expecting anything better. (In a few months, it will no longer matter anyways!)

[I really did fail that test... I got a ONE. HAHA.]


This is my last week of high school! Tomorrow is my last day in which I'm actually doing any work. I still can't believe it!

[Oh man, last week of school. Those were some times. I was doing so much art back then and over the summer, too. I never have much time for personal art these days.]


Hello everyone! I am currently on vacation in Banff, Canada. I'm enjoying it a lot, but I'm kind of getting tired of my family, you know, as you do.

[That was a great vacation! I spent it with my family, and my childhood friend Deegan and her family. Banff was truly amazing. Also in this post I was laughing at the terrible reviews of The Last Airbender and also at ~THE ROYSTACHE~]


So, yesterday I spent all day hanging out with band kids at DCI (Drum Corps International) NightBeat.

[The last few weeks of summer were spent hanging out with my best friends A LOT. I miss them so much! I also turned 18 and moved to Sarasota in August.]


Sooooo, I spent all of today working on homework! Literally, the entire day, from 8:30 AM to 11:30 PM.

[And so, the art education begins.]







I'm going to make a proper post in a bit, because life is crazy. BUT HERE IS A POST TO ANNOUNCE THAT I AM GOING TO BE DOING ~*~SKETCHVEMBER~*~ which is a lazy spinoff of Drabblevember, in that I do a fanart sketch every day of November, as opposed to a 100 word drabble! I'm going to try and keep the sketches under 30 minutes.

[HAHAHA, THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN. I got depressed about a week into November and lost all my sketch energy. :/ NOVEMBER IS ALWAYS THE WORST MONTH OF ALL]


Finished my 3D final, which was a group boat project. I actually wasn't there for most of the project, so I feel bad for being the least contributive group member, but at least it's done now. The race is on Sunday. I have to be the one in the boat. :P

[Haha, I like how as soon as I got to Ringling all of my posts became school related instead of fandom related. Sorry, guys!]

Okay, overall, I'd have to say that 2010 has been one of the best years of my life. I've become a lot closer to people online, strenghened my relationships with my best friends and my sister, and made a lot of really really great new friends here at Ringling. I also got to see Duke win the NCAA, go on a cruise with marching band, visit Canada, graduate from high school, move to a new state, see my extended family in Portland including my new baby cousin, and I  finally get to do what I want with my life. I also got obsessed with Fullmetal Alchemist and founded feelingsalchemy , the best decision ever in my fannish career. I hope next year is just as great.

2010, meme, year in review

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