(no subject)

Dec 05, 2010 15:07

Hahahahah, so today, we had our 3D final, which was a BOAT RACE in boats that we constructed ourselves. Now I just just started shark week yesterday, and I DID NOT feel like being the one to race in the boat. But the rest of my group was also sick so I pretty much had to.

Then, right before it was our turn, it started pouring down rain, and our 3D teacher was like "EVERYONE IN THE WATER!" and yeah it was the craziest thing that's ever happened. It was raining so hard we could barely see. So, we got the boat in the water, and I got in and then a wave poured water into the boat, and it tipped over and I fell out. So then me and Marina and Jordan stood outside in the pouring rain, soaking wet, for about 15 minutes waiting for our ride back to school. All while I was having horrible cramps.

So, yeah. Exciting times. I am laying in bed for the rest of the afternoon and no one can stop me. I already took a 2 hour nap.


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