This is the best icon ever.

Jul 05, 2010 21:43

 Hello everyone! I am currently on vacation in Banff, Canada. I'm enjoying it a lot, but I'm kind of getting tired of my family, you know, as you do.

SO, my thoughts on some things:

1) I am torn between bitter vindication, cruel laughter, and endless tears at the reviews for The Last Airbender. I will never, ever see this movie. I can only hope that at least some people will learn about Hollywood's racist casting policies through this disaster. I'm so sad that such a beautiful show with such a well developed world and characters was butchered by Hollywood. I'm definitely going to have to do another Avatar rewatch soon.


2) Hahahahahah and on the heels of that.... LOL LIVE ACTION FMA MOVIE!! I'm not actually too worried about this, actually. At the very worst, it will probably just be hilarious. Nothing could possibly be as bad as CONQUEROR OF SHAMWOW, or really, the whole first anime for that matter. And hey, if it does suck, it will just be easier to ignore since it's live action. I MOURN THAT IT WILL NOT HAVE JOHN CHO AS ROY MUSTANG.

3) Was there a third thing? OH YES. NOTHING WILL EVER BE HILARIOUS AS ROY WITH A MUSTACHE. The fact that fandom is so upset about it just makes it more hilarious. Guys, he just wanted to look mature and dignified. Who are we to judge.

4) I actually have a big announcement to make but I will save that for another post. In short, I am doing a webcomic, called Electric Lake Drive with meredyd ! STAY TUNED FOR DETAILS. You can see a sneak peek of the character designs here, though!

avatar, electric lake drive, avatar (the live action movie of fail), fma

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