I think there is something in the work water lately,
snowbird42. *sighs*
Work has me very upset lately. I've been crying because of it. And baking like a mad woman, which is one of my stand-by stress relievers. I've made two different batches of brownies tonight since Dave left around 10pm! There's too much on my plate at work and I can't get my arms around it all - nor my mind focused on it. And that is stressing me out even more since I can't organize my workday as I would like to!!
I have 2 large clients that are cyclical and require a lot of planning. Then I have 2 others that are also cyclical, but are on the smaller side. A fifth client I have has only had one project with us and they generally mail in the spring and in the fall - I'm not sure if we will have the fall mailing or not... And finally, I have this complicated client that is a daily mailing. Names are sent to us on a daily transmission and every day of the year that the USPS is open we are mailing. It's just smaller quantities than what my other clients do in a day's time... This last one has a lot of idiosyncracies that I haven't picked up on yet since I have such a small role in it - there is a woman in the Support Dept. that handles much of it. Well, now I don't have much time to pick up a bit more of it because she applied for a Finance Dept. job and found out today that she got the position. Great! *rolls eyes* And want to hear the better news for Schelley?? Sure you do! She starts on September 11th - that only gives me 16 days to learn a monster of a client. Thanks!! Whatever happened to holding people within a department until someone else was properly trained?? *dammit*
Furcifer! Pestis! Caudex! Saltrix!
And other such exclamations in Latin...
C'est la vie??