(no subject)

Sep 19, 2005 22:21

rocky rehearsals officially take place Sunday evenings at 7 at Flasgstaff Hill in schenley park.
the first one was yesterday. we had riff, eddie, columbia and a girl who has yet to be placed in a role. we watched then went through eddie's scene, the time warp and sweet transvestite. we were there for an hour.
we're taking out-of-costume pics saturday between 10 and 2 at homewood cemetary. in-costume pics the following saturday, same place and time. i'll be taking both pics this week. damn but my legs are sexy in heels and stockings.
this is the current cast site. i'll letcha know if it's updated with me. we are the next incarnation of the JCCP!

would someone please explain to me why some boys think that hitting girls is an acceptable way to flirt? i was conversing with someone today at school when this dude tapped me with his skateboard. i rounded on him and told him not to hit me. he started poking me, not acknowledging that i'd said anything. i repeated myself louder. i repeated myself LOUDER. still poking me, he drew himself up to his full height-which is considerably more than mine-stepped very close and asked what i was going to do about it. at top volume i told him not to touch me. the next time he poked me i informed him he was officially committing assault. that made him take three big, swift steps back.
there is no reason one should have to threaten legal action for another to respect one's space! if anyone ever touches you and you haven't invited it, i believe it counts as assault. just to be on the safe side, i made sure i told him-with a witness-not to touch me. that way it was clearly an unwelcome infringement upon my person.

that's just another reason i hate people. remind me not to have kids. kids grow into people and i surely don't want any more of them around!
on the other hand, at work saturday some little girls gave me hope. they were really cute. they were harrying their mother, so i told them "I need your help. we're in the middle of inventory. I need you to count all the blue ones on these racks, and you to count all the pink ones, then report back to me, ok?" they happily scampered off to their task. their mom told me i'm in the wrong business.

ihatepeople, rocky, why?

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