THIS entry

Jul 22, 2005 09:28

If I had updated this yesterday before I went to bed it would be a lot different. In that non-existent entry I would have been extremely happy about finding funky birthday presents for Kaitlin at Target, been enthusiastic that I got to go to Friendly's and have buffalo chicken, and been only slightly still worried that Marie wants to put a convict who beat uphis girlfriend in Mom's GED class. I would've told you that I was thankful that Great Uncle Paul is out of the hospital and is not going to have a heart attack at any second any more. I would've added that I watched this funky tv show about sandwiches around the USA, and that before I was off to bed, I heard mention of Watertown Mass on the sandwich show, which made me very happy cuz I had heard of Watertown before-Nikki told me about it. I would have cited no other reasons for misery other than a slight case of the sniffles, small anxiety over my fat thighs being seen while I wear a bathing suit, and wondering if I'd have the same heart-breaking dreams as the night before.


I'm updating this now and I have one very negative thing to say: this BITES. I had a horrible sleep, with dreams vivid and miserable to match and then woke up about 4:30 am to find I have cramps. That's right. You guessed it. There will be no way I can go in a pool this weekend. So, now after looking forward to Kaitlin's party and getting excited a bit about it, I can't go. No more worries about people seeing my fat legs cuz I can't go. So to repeat my earlier phrase: this BITES.

I basically stayed awake two hours feeling bad that I can't go and hating my stupid body that seems to do this on purpose,in addition to sneezing and trying to ignore the cramps that seem to be especially brutal this time around. Upon falling back asleep, I dreamed I was shot repeatedly in the head by a cheerleader from my old school while the whole of St. Ray's cheered her on. Stupid ho.

To say I'm feeling hostile is a bit off, I mostly just feel rotten, but hopefully movies and ice cream with my fuzzsista Nikki will cheer me up. Actually I'm sure it will, cuz a) it involves food and b) it involves watching what looks to be an interesting movie and as usual being the crazy cool people we are. Perhaps we'll play some mind games on passers-by...hehe

I really feel like hunting down that cheerleader and pelting her with Chinese fighting muffins; I swear the biotch needs to get a life and stay out of my subconcious.
And booooo to St. Ray's as well. Feehan kicks ass. St. Ray's deals drugs and harbors hos. I rest my case. Go Shamrocks!!!

Going to find some chocolate and read the rest of Vampire Bytes curled up in my comfy chair. Probably update this later.
~ur Salsagirl
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