A Labor Day weekend story that does not involve Bumbershoot in any way

Sep 08, 2009 15:27

Friday night was the usual, football practice and picking up dinner. This Friday was 3 Pigs BBQ, yum!

Saturday morning started off with a run to Costco. I get my prescriptions filled there and since I already had to go, may as well pick up some stuff. It was busy of course which makes Steve cranky so I was trying to do it as fast and efficiently as possible. Connor enjoyed all the samples that were out.
Back at home heated a Costco pizza for lunch and then ran to Chaplin's to have work done on my radio. My car came with an after market stereo that neither I, and especially not Steve, liked. I would have lived with it but Steve took it upon himself to find me an original stereo for my car. Had to take it to the dealer to get it coded so it would work. Steve actually hesitated when the guy asked if we wanted the complimentary car wash. I whirled around and said "yes!"
While we waited on the car we walked over to DQ for dessert and noticed lots of people in nice dress clothes. I don't know a lot about the Mormon religion but I know the big church is right up the hill and figured there must have just been something that let out. As we were leaving a girl's basketball team was filing in. Steve wanted to stay longer, I said "no".
There is a bookstore across from the DQ and car dealer that I always wondered about. I figured it was a religious bookstore but I didn't know. We walked over and sure enough, it's a Mormon bookstore! I spotted a fantasy book in the window that looked like something Connor would like and pointed it out to him. He went "oooo" and walked in the store before I could grab him. As we were walking in I figured what the heck. It won't kill us and no one in there will know we aren't religious. I was totally curious and looked around all the books. There were some that made me go "Aw hell, naw!" but they had other books I wouldn't expect. Connor ended up picking out a book that was a fantasy book about sorcery and such. I thought they were against that kind of thing but Steve says the Mormons aren't. I did check over the book before I bought it to see if there were hidden religious messages but I couldn't find any. And I'm always more than happy to buy Connor a book.
We then picked up the nice clean car with a stereo in it that no longer sticks out like a sore thumb and went home until Connor's football game.
The game was good but since Connor didn't play because of his injury it was a let down for me. The team won which was great and the win was a slaughter. The point difference was so much they had to do mercy rulings.
After the game we watched Escape to Witch Mountain which was alright. I've never read the book so I can't compare. It was a good family movie to enjoy. I just don't think it was anything great.

For some reason I set my alarm for Sunday morning. I apparently forgot the days of the week and thought I had to get up for work or something because there was my alarm going off at 6:30am. Weird.
It wasn't a busy day but we did go to dinner at a friend's house in the later afternoon. They used to be our neighbors until they bought a house up on Tiger Mountain in Issaquah. A bit of a drive but not bad. Unfortunately it was a crappy day so no hanging around the yard for us or the dogs. They had a couple other friends over and it was nice to just hang in a casual manner.
We were there when the crazy weather struck. The big wind and pouring rain. It freaks out their dog but Spike doesn't care. Connor ran out in the hail because he's crazy.
We ended up staying much later than I planned and apologized to Steve to which he replied "What else would we do? Hang around our house." Good point.

Monday I hadn't planned anything on purpose. I did end up making plans for Connor tho. He had a friend last year whose mom and I get along really well. Actually all of us as families get along well. Connor no longer goes to school with his friend so I wanted to get them together if possible since I don't know how often they will get to see each other now. I ran Connor over to their house in the morning and chatted with her briefly until returning home. On the way home I decided Steve and I should try to go to the movies. He was very happy with my spontaneous idea. We agreed on Gamer and off we went.
The movie was alright. I was more interested by the concept of the movie. I think it could have been done a little better. I felt as if it wrapped up too easily. And there was a little too much graphic violence for my liking but I'm a little squeamish. Also, more boob in a movie than I have seen a long time.
After the movie, stopped by the grocery store before getting the kid because he hates to go, and then retrieved him. That afternoon/evening did some cleaning around the house, we had an easy dinner (soup and grilled cheese) and then settled into getting ready for "Monday" which this week is Tuesday. Finished off the night with some TV and book reading before bed.
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