A piece that I'm working on.

Feb 26, 2008 14:32

Express my muse, oh sweetest Imogen,
For dreams of the lay man take no account
To me as I live in a world beyond
The mere mortals’ souls could comprehend in-
Side which I find the greatest beast of man.
The beast of my nightmares are given truth
And reality not in any dog
Or creature from the plains of open lands
Nor does arise from depths of ocean view
Nor from the icy peaks of mountain Alps
But from mere man, the beast doth take its form
And not in any man, but within man
Of my most importance and gravity,
The man that doth contain such beast is I.

Inside does the fire burn and I in
Fear of knowing to its degree for if
I know its power, then only should I
Be indebted to that which bears without
Should the beast be released and fires a’flare
To consume all that surrounds in its wake.
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