random thoughts

Dec 21, 2007 15:02

Surgery is a great weight loss plan. Having a stent stuck in you is a pain in the ass - well in the kidney and bladder. Pain pills are wonderful, because without them I'm a whinny bitch. Kidney stones suck ass.

Dreams on pain meds are even more interesting that dreams without pain meds. I need to write more while on pain meds just to see how out of whack my writing gets.

Hugging and bending down to pick things up hurts. That sucks. Movement is not all that great. Going to the bathroom makes me see through time, because I can feel my left kidney. No one should ever know exactly where their left kidney is, unless they purposely go to school for it.

My doctor gave me morphine while I was in the hospital. I don't ever want to be in enough pain to need a morphine on a as I need it basis again.

I miss having a laundry room across the hall. I also miss having a dish washer. Given the choice though, I'd want the laundry room.

I hate having to have blood drawn. My veins hide, they don't want to give up my blood.

Even though I wasn't told I couldn't drink or stuff for the rest of the year, I've decided I won't, just because of the pain medication and such.

I didn't think I'd be having headaches on top of kidney and bladder pain. Yeesh, body, one thing at a time here.

This isn't a woe is me post. I'm just thinking and recording for myself, but sharing with y'all. I'm gonna be fine, just 12 days until the stent is removed and my unwanted passenger passes. I appreciate the hugs and snugs and love and adore you all. I just really hope that none of you have to go through this and those of you that already have, I'm so sorry, I hope it doesn't happen again.
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