Oct 18, 2011 12:19
Once upon an evening rainy, though my thoughts were weak and grainy
Over an evening spent with friends and a visit to St Paul
There I nodded, in dreams slipping, suddenly there came a dripping
Water over plaster slipping, slipping down my bedroom wall
“’Tis paranoia” I figured “dripping down my bedroom wall
Only this, and that is all”
I know though yawning it was four in early morning
And each separate crashing warning wrought its hell from the wall
Eagerly I wished for sleeping; vainly I considered weeping
As water kept its seeping - seeping downwards in its fall
Into the damp and dirty basin placed on beneath its likely fall
Trapping water’s slow sprawl
And the sureness of snug, soft warmth of my bedsheet
Then left me - bereft me from slumber’s afore beckoning call
So that, to stave off panic's greeting, I then lay repeating
“’Tis paranoia conjuring the drips from my bedroom wall
Paranoia lies conjuring the drips from my bedroom wall
That it is, and that is all”
Presently my mind grew clearer; fears then grew nearer
“No”, said I, “or damn, for had I not yet left this era?;
But the fact is now I’m slipping, as so slowly it came dripping
And so loudly it came dripping, dripping down my bedroom wall
That I scarce was sure I heard it” - here I listened for the call
Silence there, and that is all
Deep into that silence hearing, long I lay there wondering, fearing
Doubting, dreaming disaster may be then about to befall
But the darkness was complete, and the silence still gave no beat
And so then bittersweet was a shimmer of sudden fall
This I froze at and an echo confirmed that sudden fall
Merely that and that is all
Into my bedsheets turning, all my stress within my burning
Soon again I heard the dripping somewhat louder did it befall
“Surely”, thought I, “surely that is rain at my window again
Let me hear now, what this sound is, and yet I did recall
Let me then of rotten cavity and rainwater’s taint recall
‘Tis the rain, and that is all!”
So then here I faced the clutter, when, with many a fleeting flutter
Out the hole plunged a raindrop that had me again in thrall
Though it landed in the pot; it was like a bullet shot
Source of cavity’s rot, it screamed down my bedoom wall
Splashing off some broken plaster, trapped within my bedoom wall
Splashing once and that is all
Then this leakage throwing my sad fearing to crying,
By the gradual trespass of the droplets yet so small
‘Though the rain be come to a stop, thou’, I thought, ‘art yet on top
Ghastly grim and gradual raindrop invading, tainting with your fall
Tell my when this nightmare ends and peace shall fall!
Another raindrop. That is all.