
Dec 12, 2009 15:23

I had the most adorable run-in at Safeway today. I was in the meat department, looking for beef short-ribs, when an older woman next to me who was also browsing looked up at me and asked, "Is this lion?"

I blinked, because what the hell. But when I looked at the cut she was referring to, it was beef loin.

And she looked so bemused, because she was looking for lamb, and she quite reasonably wondered out loud what kind of supermarket carried lion meat and no lamb? (I could tell by her accent that English wasn't her first language, and loin isn't all that common a word.)

After a second, I explained it was beef, and that I knew they had lamb, but didn't know exactly where it was. She went to ask the butcher, but then I found it a few seconds later and pointed it out to her. She thanked me, saying my young eyes were better able to pick things out, since she'd been over that section a couple times.

Anyway, I just had to share. XD

life, random, safeway serengeti, food porn

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