Musical synchronicity

Aug 24, 2007 22:54

This isn't the BIGGEST example of synchronicity that's ever happened to me, but seeing as I've made a habit of documenting the more cool examples when they happen, I will document this. :)

Today, I was finishing my drive to work when I heard, on the radio, the Kelly Clarkson song Walk Away, which I really like and also (unfortunately) really identify with. I turned it up and sang along, but alas, I'd pulled up at the office and didn't want to sit in the car while waiting for the song to finish. So I turned off the radio and got out of the car, hoping I might hear it again soon.

Well, as I was driving home, what song should I hear but Walk Away again! And this time I got to hear the WHOLE thing! :D Hearing it on both portions of the same day's commute made me think of synchronicity, although I wasn't really convinced this was enough of a "trippy coincidence" to qualify. I did, however, start thinking I'd feel encouraged if I encountered more synchronicity on my way home.

After Walk Away was over, the next song was Hey Ya! by Outkast. As some folks may recall, this is the same song whose line "shake it like a Polaroid picture" I used to think was "shake it like a polliwog creature!" LOL (You can click here for my highly amusing April 26 entry about this misheard lyric). Anyhoo, right as I was singing along with the "hey ya!" part of the song's chorus, I saw a girl and guy walking along the sidewalk and I almost WIGGED OUT because it looked like the text on the girl's shirt said HEY YA. When I actually drove past them, I saw her shirt said HEY YO, but -- I'll take it! ;D That's synchronicitous (sp?) enough, since just as I was singing "hey ya" I saw her shirt with "hey yo". I mean, what the heck are the odds of THAT happening, especially right after inwardly hoping for something like this to happen!

P.S. As I've said in the past, synchronicity seems to pop up in my life during short periods of time when I'm unsure, worried or confused about something. It's truly UNCANNY how strongly it happens at times when I need reassurance most. :)


music, synchronicity, song lyrics

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