7 odd things about myself (meme!)

Aug 21, 2007 23:14

I was one of seven peeps tagged by beckerbuns for the following meme. :) Its rules are simple:

1. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
2. Tag seven people to do the same.
3. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag whoever wants to do it.

To see my seven things, and to see if you are among the lucky/unlucky (depends on your viewpoint! heheh) seven whom I've chosen to tag...

I'm very eccentric as well as eclectic, so I'm just going to write the FIRST seven things that pop to my mind, because otherwise I'd probably be writing all night! ;D

1. I occasionally eat some of my rats' treats, especially Yogies brand yogurt drops in various flavours, Vitacraft yogurt drops in various flavours, Brown's fruit bites and Tasty Twigs. I also feed them a few roasted, unsalted soynuts daily, and I munch those myself too. (They're very healthy, and also tasty!)

2. I sometimes make a wish when I see that the time is 11:11 on a digital clock. *blush*

3. I often sneeze when exposed to bright light, especially sunlight without my sunglasses.

4. I do not like coffee, avocado (except in guacamole) or any type of steak -- these are things that apparently almost everyone else DOES like, so I'm in the weird minority. *smirk* Of these three things, I dislike steak the most!

5. I believe in soulmates, but I don't believe that each of us only has ONE person on earth who can fulfill that. So for example, if you marry your soulmate and he/she dies 10 years later, I believe you can still find another person who could qualify as a soulmate. :)

6. I like nectarines better than peaches. It's not because nectarines lack fuzz -- I actually like peach fuzz! But nectarines seem to ripen more successfully for me than peaches, and seem to have a stronger flavor.

7. I like to name inanimate things, especially CARS! (My old car was Baby, my current car is Flora. I've also named the cars of some family members and friends). heh

And now, I tag the following peeps! However, if you did not get tagged but want to participate anyway, go for it! :) And please let me know if you do, so I can read your answers and learn something new.

rats, friends, meme, weird

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