Drunk driving is NEVER excuseable, not even for Paris Hilton!!

May 09, 2007 18:46

This shit is bananas! :[ Apparently a petition is being circulated among Paris Hilton's adoring fans, in an effort to prevent the reckless, shallow, immature slut... err, excuse me, the beautiful, classy, oh-so-cherished hotel heiress... from serving the 45-day jail sentence she received by a judge for violating her probation. (Click the link above for one of MANY articles currently on the internet on this farcical topic!)

And just what was she on probation for? DRUNK DRIVING!! Her driver's license is suspended because of a DUI she received some time ago (I don't know or care when). But of course, she is ABOVE THE LAW, and has been continuing to drive even though her license is suspended. So, she's going to jail. If it were up to me, jail time would be MANDATORY for ANYONE who is caught driving while under the influence of alcohol. I don't care if it's the homeless guy down the street, my favourite college professor, Paris Hilton, or the President of the U.S.!! Drunk driving is one of the most selfish, thoughtless, reckless things a human being can do. In a worst-case scenario, you can literally kill DOZENS of people when you're drunk and get behind the wheel of a DEADLY WEAPON (an automobile). I'm sorry, but there is no excusing such selfish, thoughtless behaviour.

I'm extremely tolerant and forgiving of people's foibles, bad habits and mistakes. Some folks tell me I'm TOO tolerant and forgiving, and I think they're right. *blush* However, I am absolutely INtolerant and UNforgiving when people drive drunk -- ESPECIALLY when they do it more than once, as Paris has. I'm sorry, but that is not acceptable, and I am totally DISGUSTED that so many people are signing a petition to get Governor Schwarzenegger to "pardon" Paris and not make her go to jail. WTF?? How the hell can these fools not hold Paris accountable for her actions? How can they think it's "okay"? Is that an example they want to set for their children? These fools would be singing a VERY DIFFERENT tune if one of their parents, spouses, children, best friends or even pets had DIED under the wheels of a drunk driver, that's for sure!! How can they excuse Paris Hilton for driving drunk just because she's a celebrity? She's about as shallow, vapid and irresponsible as a celebrity gets! UGH!!! Let her sit in jail just like everyone else would! She deserves it, just as would the homeless guy down the street, my favourite college professor, or the President!

Thank goodness none of MY family members, friends or pets ever died as a result of a drunken driver, but some have come close, and some have lost family, friends or pets of their own. I'm sorry if my long rant offended anyone, but this Paris Hilton crap just burned me up when I read it. :( She's one of the LAST people I would ever want to "excuse" or "pardon" for doing something illegal!

rant, celebrities, news

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