New photos of my rodent "godson"! ;D

May 07, 2007 22:36

I've been wanting to share these photos since April 26, when I took them! *blush* But as I've been complaining about recently, there never seems to be enough time to do everything I want to do -- especially fun creative stuff like Photoshopping, blogging, etc. But I'm finally catching up! *cheer* (Soon I'll also be posting pix from the Bingo Belles April game, and from my Big Basin camping trip!)

But now for some squeefully cute pix of Jack, for whom my co-worker told me I am the "godmother", as you may recall. ;D Jack is certainly growing QUICKLY from the wee boy he was in my icon! He's so smart, sweet, gentle and outgoing -- and he licks affectionately like a puppy, even when you don't have anything for him to eat or taste! He's such a little love!

My what BIG EYES you have, Jack! %-) This is not my hand, BTW, as the lack of nail polish indicates. heh It's the hand of my friend Becky. (For those rat aficionadoes who know about rat eye boggling/popping, Jack was NOT doing that at this moment. I guess he was just wide-eyed! *giggle*)

Becky was petting Jack when suddenly he decided to move. Sorry about the blurriness. That's my co-worker, Y, standing to the right in the picture.

Here I am holding my little blue boy. (Among breeders of fancy rats, the colour of Jack's hood and spots is called "blue", even though it's actually a type of gray.) I think he was sniffing my sleeve in this pic. I can't stand how CUTE he looks in this pic! :D

Yep! Jack's learning very young how to hop up on your shoulder and get into your hair! *giggle* Or maybe it's just MY hair he likes; I haven't seen him do this with other people. Then again, I'm only at the office two to three days a week.

At this point, he had stopped moving/scratching/sniffing around. It felt to me like he was just "chilling." ;) So I asked Becky, who took these pictures, what Jack was doing. She said yes, he was just sitting and relaxing, and was even starting to close his eyes!! LOL Rats always seem to love my hair; I guess it feels like a cozy nest?? I'm a ticklish person, but Jack is worth it! heehee

I was letting him lick something off my hand/fingers in this shot. I think it was applesauce, which he loves! Hand-feeding young rats is a very important and effective way of "bonding" with them. :D Look at how CUTE his little spots are in this pic!!

"Jack in the Box"! *grin* Sorry this is blurry, but I wanted to show how he's already able to hop up onto the "roof" of his little bedroom area. He LOVES going in and out of the holes in that thing, and in the time since I took these photos, he's also started hoarding his food in there, and dragging pieces of Kleenex, toilet paper, etc. in there to nest with!

A vertical shot of Jack in one side of his box.

Another vertical shot of Jack in one side of his box.

Here is Jack "attacking" one of his rat blocks/kibbles in the smaller side of his box. He is very patient and determined when eating these things, and probably spent a full five minutes at it. Note the crumbs. But pay no attention to the piece of poop! *giggle*

This shot shows BOTH rooms of his giant "cardboard condo", made with care by Y's 10-year-old daughter, the one who rescued Jack in the first place. The story of the rescue is in my April 10 journal entry.

rats, photos

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