Internet Explorer/Windows SNAFU! Please help!

May 18, 2006 11:23

As if I wasn't stressed enough, working frantically on my freelance writing project, the Internet Explorer on my laptop is acting up! :(

This is BAD because my project involves visiting and summarizing a huge number of websites, and some don't work right on Netscape 7, which is the browser I use with my OS 9.2 Macintosh. So I really NEED my Windows XP laptop with Internet Explorer to be available!!

Practically every other time I used I.E. today, I get a window saying the browser encountered a problem and needs to close. Please see below for a screen shot. What I don't understand is that all I"m doing when it happens is visiting some mundane website that has NO special attributes like animation, sound files, or ANYTHING that would give the browser trouble! Earlier today, I couldn't even get past my homepage (! The browser had to close down the moment it opened! WHAT?? Another time I was visiting Craigslist, of all things, and it happened.

I also don't understand what I'm shown when I click on "see what data this error report contains". It gives me a window full of all sorts of gobblydegook that I don't understand, a bunch of file names and extentions and technical data. And the "Debug" button doesn't seem to do ANYTHING, since the problem keeps happening. :( Is there some type of interfering little file application I'm supposed to manually delete, which would stop this random, nonsensical browser problem? If so, how do I do it? Things like this are much easier to find and troubleshoot on a Mac! :(

I'm faithful about installing all new Windows XP updates when my system tray alerts me, so I'm all up-to-date in that respect. And I have the latest version of I.E. I suppose I could search for this problem among dicussion/support group messages for Windows and I.E. users, but I totally do NOT have the time! So if anyone knows what's causing this baffling problem, or how I can fix it, I'd be VERY GRATEFUL! :) :)

laptop, work, windows, computers, trouble

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