Productivity w/ plants & purses! (And more, but those were the only alliterative words!)

Feb 01, 2013 16:24

Hello LiveJournal! I'm back -- that makes two entries in the same week! And yesterday I had another crazy-productive day! :D So, I thought I'd record it here, mainly for my own benefit. As some of you know, I have ADHD and depression; neither is severe, but they are enough that some days I have a VERY hard time getting going and getting things done. And then I feel disappointed and ashamed, even though I know I shouldn't let myself feel that way. *blush*

So here's what I did! I transplanted (from a large vase of water to a pot filled with soil) a pothos plant that had been living in water for THREE years! I know how long it's been because I took cuttings from the pothos sprawled all over the cubicle of one of my coworkers at Gannett Healthcare Group, the awesome company from which many of us were laid off in April 2009. (I was a copy editor, proofreader and occasional copy writer). And when I say "awesome" I'm NOT being sarcastic. (I don't even like sarcasm!) In truth, GHG was the best employer and best job I've had in my 24 years in the workforce! There are so many reasons for this but I wont' go into them now. Many of you know them already anyway.

Anyhoo, pothos can live a pretty much unlimited amount of time in water, as long as they have enough bright ambient light and you occasionally put a few drops of mild liquid fertilizer in there. Unfortunately, I could tell my pothos was running out of nutrients because its growth slowed & it started abscisin some of its leaves. But now it's in a pot with actual soil, so I hope it will be very happy! :) I'm including a photo of the plant directly below this journal entry, so you can see the huge root mass it amassed (is that redundant?) while living in the vase.

Also yesterday, I "transplanted" my purse from the small, black purse I'd been carrying around all winter, to a larger, more spring-themed purse (made by Le Sportsac). I also threw away a lot of stuff that had accumulated in the overly small winter purse and consolidated the rest before the "transplantation" of stuff into the new purse. This took surprisingly longer than you might think! I suppose only women would understand this problematic phenomenon. ;)

Additionally, I went grocery shopping at Safeway, my fave supermarket; I cleaned the kitchen sink and counter, both of which definitely needed it; I cleaned the bathroom (sink, counter, toilet & floor), all of which also needed it; I collected and took out the trash and recycling bins for pickup, I washed and styled my hair (a rigamarole, trust me!) AND I worked on my current big freelance editing project, which consists of five continuing education courses (a.k.a. CE modules). As some of you know, I do freelance proofreading (with an element of copy editing) for GHG; I work with the CE content manager/editor in the Pennsylvania office. The CE courses are for nurses, PTs, OTs, SLPs, dietitians, etc. I do everything using the track changes feature in Microsoft Word. Let's just say I'm so glad to be on the SENDING side of a tracked/changed document, rather than on the RECEIVING end! heh

P.S. Covering today (Feb. 1) and tomorrow (Feb. 2), I wanted to say happy Imbolc, Candlemas, St. Brighid's Day and Groundhog Day, depending on what you follow and/or believe in. :) It's all good!

daily life, photos, adhd, work, shopping, holidays, editing, plants, chores, horticulture

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