Weekend wrap up, plus "Qrazy" MEME!

Aug 25, 2008 11:05

This was another weekend that seemed busier than I intended. Most of it was errands and grocery shopping for needful things, where I thought they'd be done quickly but ended up not. I also did some housecleaning, yard work and organizing and throwing away of things in my bedroom. GO ME! ;D And now here are a few weekend highlights....

The Assyrian Festival
One of the more interesting parts of the weekend was yesterday, when my mom and I attended the annual Assyrian Festival put on by the church our former chiropractors, Dr. DB and Dr. DB., and their family belong to. It's a part of the Assyrian Church of the East, which seems to include elements of both Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox, although I only attended a service once, and that was for the wedding of Dr. B (the son) and his wife S. As some folks may recall, my mom and I used to go to a father-son chiropractic office, which has now been taken over by Dr. JR. and Dr. SR., a sister-sister practice. The Doctors B opened a practice in Turlock, of all places, but they may also be setting up another one here in San Jose. Apparently there's a significant Assyrian community in the Turlock area, though I've no idea why! *chuckle*

Anyhoo, I knew embarrassingly little about Assyrian history and culture (aside from that empire in antiquity!) but I ended up learning a lot about it during the years I went to the Doctors B. It's quite interesting; they're like "a people without a country". Many Assyrians used to live in Iran, although they're neither Iranian nor Muslim. In fact, I learned that some were actually persecuted for being Christian! :( A lot of Assyrians settled in the U.S. and apparently Canada too. My mom and I attended a few of the yearly festivals, though not in the last year or two. But we went this time, because we knew the Doctors B would be there, and we wanted to say hi and tell them how much we miss them! :( We also hoped to see Dr. B (the son) and his wife S, because she's due to have a baby in September and we wanted to give them a little gift. (We attended their wedding two or three years ago). We ended up seeing both Doctors B as well as S at the festival, and there was much hugging all the way around!! :)

The condolence call
One of the other things my mom and I did yesterday was drop by the house of our longtime, close family friends, BL and AL. BL's mother passed away the other day, although she was 94 so at least she lived a long and full life. But it's very sad nonetheless. We went over to hang out with them for a while, and of course we brought some food, because many of BL's relatives have come or are coming for the funeral, which is today or tomorrow. BL and AL's daughter RB, her husband RB, and their two kids were also there, as were some cousins. I used to work with their daughter R at my very first job (Subway), and R and I also were students at San Jose State University for a semester or two together. What I mean is, she was a senior when I was a freshman. *chuckle* Anyhoo, I was happy to see that whole family again, because they're so cool. And I was especially happy to see R and her adorable kids.

The "Q"razy meme!
The other day, hollow_truth did a meme where she had to name 10 things she likes that start with a letter given her by the person in whose journal she saw the meme. The rules are simple: if you want to participate in this meme, comment and ask me to assign you a letter. I will do so, and you have to come up with 10 things you like that start with that letter. You then post the list in YOUR journal, and the fun continues! :) hollow_truth may have thought she'd throw me for a loop with Q, but I have prevailed smashingly, and with flying colours! What else would you expect from a writer and editor? *giggle*


Quaking aspens (beautiful trees!)
Quesadillas (no jalapenos, please!)
Quiche (yummy but bad for my cholesterol!)
Quidditch (as a spectator only; I'd never want to PLAY it!)
Quince (interesting pear-like fruit; great for jams; also has beautiful flowers)
Quinoa (versatile grain & a complete protein)
Quips (I like to give them!)
Quirkiness (I possess it!)
Quizzes (as in memes and fun online quizzes, NOT school ones!)
Quotations (I collect them!)
Quilts (I love to get cozy under them!)

words, religion, daily life, history, friends, meme, chiropractic

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