
Aug 13, 2008 23:36

I tried to post a fun & interesting LJ poll this morning, but it's malfunctioning in a bizarre way. :( I apologize if anyone tried it. Thank you, memoryanddream for the heads-up. I've filed a support request with LJ! They usually reply personally within 24 hours; I hope that's true this time!!

I can't wait for the Bingo Belles' bingo game this Friday night at Jenny's! :D It looks like we'll have 6 or 7 players this month -- yay! And I get to play with her two dogs Jasmine and Jake too!

Why is it that 98% of the time, the guys I'm interested in on dating websites are not interested in me; and the guys who ARE interested in me are guys who 98% of the time I'm not interested in? *sigh*

Does anyone else think Colbie Caillat, Natasha Bedingfield and/or Amy Winehouse sound black in their songs? I would say "African-American" but not everyone reading this is from the U.S., and neither are Natasha and Amy! So I'll use the more generic "black" instead. Anyhoo, there's certainly nothing wrong with a Caucasian person sounding like he or she is black when singing! :) I'm just wondering if anyone else hears what I hear with these three ladies.

Word to the wise: When nuzzling with a pet rat, clamp your lips together when he's near your mouth. Otherwise, if he reaches for you with its little hands, your tender lip skin can get cut by sharp rattie nails! I speak from experience. :( But I guess my track record is pretty good -- I've had my boys over year now, and tonight's the FIRST time this happened.

Olympic gripe: First China forces one little girl's singing voice to be lip-synched by a "cuter" little girl during the Olympic opening ceremonies, and now it comes out that China has "edited" (for lack of a more unpleasant word I could use) the birth certificates, etc. of some of its female gymnasts, so that on paper they appear older than they really are, and certainly older than they look in person! I can forgive the lip-synching, even though it was done for stupidly superficial reasons. But I CANNOT abide by lying, if indeed lying happened with some of the female gymnasts. That's as bad as someone taking performance-enhancing drugs, because A LIE IS A LIE! You don't CHEAT at the Olympic Games!!

Time for bed now. *yawn* Good night! Oh, and BTW, how many pillows do y'all sleep on? I use two! :)

rats, rant, daily life, music, news, relationships, livejournal, olympics, bingo

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