Double the fun: 2 memes in one! :D

Jul 12, 2008 22:10

I was recently tagged by justjesi and beckerbuns for this meme, except that each friend's version is slightly different. Most of the questions are the same, but some were unique, so I tried to answer everything. Additionally, I added one question of my own creation at the end, just for fun. :)

Rules of the meme:

A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.

1. How has LJ changed your life?
I've gotten back in touch with some old friends; I've made some cool new friends (throughout the U.S. and around the world); I've learned many new things via the blogs of the aforementioned old and new friends; I've brightened people's birthdays via bday_packages while also having my OWN birthday brightened tremendously; I've procrastinated terribly on things I should be doing because I've been tempted by LJ instead! *giggle*

2. What do you do before bedtime?
I'm usually doing something on the computer, either reading blogs, writing in my blog, answering surveys, playing games or chatting. Also before bedtime, I give Blueberry & Jellybean their "dinner dish" for the night. :)

3. What will your dream wedding be like?
With the bad luck I've had with past relationships, if I get married at all, it will be a dream come true! *sigh* I'm not all that particular about the particulars, although I definitely do NOT want a huge crazy wedding. I'd rather have a small-ish but heartfelt wedding with my and my husband's family members (obviously) and our and our family's closest friends, but not a three-ring circus like some people's weddings have become. Also, I'd LOVE to have an outdoor wedding, but I know there are many impractical aspects to that. heh

4. What is the city of your dreams and why?
I don't think I've ever thought about a "city of my dreams." I'm way too eclectic to be able to name just ONE city.

5. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
Duh! ;D Definitely an extrovert!

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
Being loved by someone, because loving someone but not having that love returned is TERRIBLE. :( I speak from experience here.

7. Are you creative?
I think I am. :)

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
I would look for other guys to like who are not attached.

9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
The declining state of my dad's health. The fact that it's been an extremely long time since I last had a boyfriend. The fact that one of my friends is going through a very tough time that she absolutely does NOT deserve. Oh, and the heat wave -- I hate hot weather!

10. What is your best quality?
I'm optimistic, funny, loyal, open-minded and tolerant.

11. Is being tagged fun?
Yep! :D I'm such a geek; I always get excited when I get tagged for memes!

12. How do you see yourself?
See #10 I guess?

13. Who are currently the most important people to you?
My family members and my good friends.

14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
I already know what kind of person justjesi is! :) She's someone I'd love to have as an in-person friend, although I doubt that can happen since she lives in Argentina. :( Jesi is sensitive, kind, caring, funny, fun, intelligent and pretty. She also MAJORLY loves animals (including rodents! *grin*), which is another reason I like her so much. Jesi -- I know your Uni studies are driving you crazy right now, but stick with them, because I know you'll make a wonderful veterinarian! HUGS

I also already know what kind of person beckerbuns is, because we ARE friends in-person! Like Jesi, Becky is sensitive, kind, caring, funny, fun, intelligent and pretty. And she likes animals, tho probably not as much as Jesi. Another MAJOR thing about Becky is that she is an amazing mom! :) She has three kids, two with various special needs, and they are all so lucky to have her! She is so loving and patient with them, and is a doggedly dedicated advocate for having their needs met. Becky -- you rock! HUGS

15. Would you rather be single & rich or married but poor?
As my late great grandpa used to say: "poor but happy!" I would much rather be married and poor, because money can't buy happiness. I don't want to be single the rest of my life, even if it meant having a lot of money! I would rather spend the rest of my life with a wonderful husband, even if it means we're poor. We'll scrape by! :)

16. How many children do you want to have, if any?
For most of my life, I always wanted to have kids. I swung between having a girl and a boy, to having two girls. But ever since I hit my 30s, the idea of having kids has appealed to me less and less. I think I'm too set in my ways now to have my entire life and everything I know turned topsy-turvy by the needs of babies and children. I LOVE kids, don't get me wrong. But I simply no longer feel I could handle having and raising kids of my own.

17. What's better to give or to receive?
I think both are wonderful, when they're fairly well-balanced. However, I seem to get more excited giving people things than receiving things from them. My participation in bday_packages is a PERFECT example. :)

18. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
I don't know. I've never been in love with more than one guy at a time. I've LIKED more than one guy at a time, but when I get to the point where I feel LOVE, it's for one person only!

19. Would you have 100% safe sex with a stranger for $10,000,000?
Duh! ;D Of course! And no, I'm neither slutty nor money-hungry. However, I am not all that secure financially and don't know if I ever will be; it would be so great to never have to worry about money anymore! Plus I obviously wouldn't have to worry about getting pregnant or getting an STD from the stranger, seeing as it would be 100% safe, so why not have sex with him? LOL Not that this situation could ever occur in real life!!!

20. What were your parents going to name you if you'd been born the opposite gender?
I would have been Andrew Jeremy. :)

21. Do you trust easily?
Yes, which sometimes sets me up for much disappointment. But I've always been very trusting by nature.

22. If you could buy yourself any ONE thing what would it be?
A modest-sized two-story house with a lot of land around it, so I could realize my dream of having a veggie garden, a greenhouse, fruit and nut trees, and tons of flowers!!

23. What is your dream career?
One of my dream careers is what I'm doing now, believe it or not! :) I'm a copy editor and occasional copy writer for a successful magazine publishing company whose subject matter is something that actually interests me. Everything about my job is GREAT -- the tasks, the pay, the perks, the co-workers and the commute!

For a long time, I've always thought it would be awesome to run a bed & breakfast. Not just me, but with one or two other people. I just love the whole B&B concept, and the idea of getting to meet new people from around the country and around the world, and being able to learn things from them while also sharing the best of my home state with them!! :D

24. What would you do if you became pregnant unexpectedly?
I'd be shocked and dismayed! See Q#16. I pretty much have decided I don't want to have kids even with the financial and emotional support of a husband, so I sure as heck don't want them as a single mom! :O As I said before, I LOVE other people's kids and get along with them great, but that doesn't necessarily mean I'd be good as a mom myself!

25. What are your two fave flavours of Jello?
I tend to like any of the citrus ones best, so I'll say lime and orange. I thought I'd love peach until I tried it, but was disappointed; it tastes more "artificial" than most of the others. heh

And now (drumroll, please) I hereby tag: dragonkiri, drocera, memoryanddream, omana, raininroses, sabbathunter, savvyelfpirate and snafflekid. But no hard feelings if anyone doesn't participate -- I'll just call you a wet blanket! ;D

friends, meme

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