B-Day festivities @ WORK and @ BINGO!!

May 20, 2008 15:58

As many of you read in my May 14 entry, I got taken out on on the 13th (Tuesday) for a great lunch at California Pizza Kitchen by six of my co-workers. :) Well, there was a bit more festivity in store for me at work on Thursday (May 15), which I've mentioned below.

And then, of course, I celebrated my B-Day on Friday the 16th with my Bingo Belles group, for which there are lots of pix! Some are very funny and involve party hat-wearing dogs!! :D I also want to blog about and share photos of the family "May Fest" we celebrated at home on Saturday the 17th, and I also want to mention all the amazing stuff I got from the folks in bday_packages, but I haven't had a chance to prepare all the photos yet, let alone write about it. Sorry everyone! :( I'm already four days late just sharing the stuff below!! *sigh*

When I got to work on Thursday, there was a yummy looking cupcake awaiting me at my desk. It was a chocolate/mocha type cake, and was indeed delicious! And yes, that's a chocolate-covered coffee bean on top! Blaine got this at an independent bakery in Morgan Hill or Gilroy (where she lives).

She also went wild decorating the front and back of the group B-Day card that went around the office for my co-workers to sign. Check out this bright and festive artwork! I doubt if Blaine reads my blog, but if so: Blaine -- you rock! :D

Jasmine asks: "Where's the party? I've even got my annoying hat on!"

Jake, also tolerating his party hat, replies with a sad face: "I dunno. It's not under here!"

"I'm just gonna stretch out and relax until the party starts!" Jake adds.

"Maybe we can make a party ourselves!" the chapeau-wearing dogs say!

"Hey!! Here's a festive and crazy looking gal who can party with us!" exclaim Jasmine and Jake. "And maybe she can help us get these hats off, too!"

I think I was fixing Jasmine's hat in this photo! heehee

Jake and I enjoy a little nose-to-nose time!

I LOVE this photo because of the cute way Jakey is SMILING! :) :D

Now it's Jazzy's turn to give a SMILE! :) :D So cute! Smiling along with her is Jeri. Or should I say Beri? *giggle* Once, during the game, Jenny was saying something to (or about) Jeri and Becky, but she accidentally made a spoonerism with their names, calling them BERI and JECKY instead of Jeri and Becky! The whole table erupted in laughter over that one! ROFL! XD

Then Jasmine, that goofy attention-whore (LOL), made her way over to kiss Margaret!

The obligatory shot of the gifts!

But wait! There's more! beckerbuns (Becky S.) and Ricky hadn't arrived yet! So here's the gift pile again, minus the one taken by me (I won the first game & got the two $5 Starbucks cards Ricky eventually left the game with) but with the additional of the two new ones. Speaking of winning, I ended up leaving with a $10 gift card to Applebee's, one of my fave chain restaurants! :)

Ricky was tickled (literally!) by a LOT of attention from Jasmine when he first arrived. Dogs apparently love to lick salty skin, and Ricky's skin is naturally that way, due to his cystic fibrosis. So there was much laughter as Jazzy spent a few minutes slurrrrrrping Ricky's legs and arms! LOL Good thing Jake didn't realize it!!

Becky was so sweet! She brought a package of festive cupcakes and a musical candle because it May is my and Jeri's birthday month! :) Here are Jeri and I posing with our lit candle.

And here we are blowing! *giggle*

Here are Margaret, Jenny, Ricky, Becky S. (bonking Ricky with the B-Day balloon they brought for me! LOL), Coleen and Jeri.

Here is the same group, but with Scary Shari inserted and Jenny taking the picture. The missing (and missed!) players this month were Becky R., Ina, Katheryn and Lisa M. We hope to see ALL you gals for the June game! :)

But that photo was too blurry, so Margaret tried her hand at it, and it turned out better. BTW, look behind Ricky, and tell me if you see anything SCARY?! ;D :O

Ricky had a bit TOO much fun with the red frosting of his cupcake! ;D

Mother and son showing off their good taste in T-shirts! (I shouldn't assume everyone will "get" what Becky's shirt is "saying", so if you don't know, don't hesitate to ask! LOL)

I totally LOVE spicedrops, even more than regular gumdrops, so I couldn't resist taking a macro photo of these.

I also couldn't resist taking a photo of the stupid ERROR in the text of this napkin. It drove me and Becky crazy when we saw it, since we are both grammarians. *wry chuckle* Who can tell me what's wrong here? This can serve as practice, because I have a collection of photos I've taken of websites, magazines, newspapers, etc. that have un-freaking-believeable spelling, grammar and syntax errors! :( :O Methinks I should be a copy editor for more than just one company! heehee

And finally, to end on an up note, I fell in love with the gleeful, cute and colourful happy face magnet Jenny uses on Kaitlyn's chore chart. And so, I had to photograph them. :D They're made by Melissa & Doug.

dogs, photos, work, birthday, friends, food, bingo, gifts

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