A quick & happy B-Day post & MEME!! :D

May 16, 2008 16:22

Gotta make this quick because it's been a busy day and will proceed to be a busy night! :)

First, before I forget, I want to thank the 12 peeps who sent me amusing notes on my WishRoll.com Birthday Greetinger, and the following peeps who sent LJ Virtual Gifts to my Profile Page: beckerbuns, cheschirekat and savvyelfpirate. I love virtual gifts! :) Also thank you to amethyst_hunter for the thoughtful Snail Mail card! It was quite funny! *HUGS to ALL*

This morning, while my mom was doing prep stuff at home for the annual family "May Fest" tomorrow, I went to the Post Office to mail surprises to two fellow May babies from the AWESOME bday_packages community, which I highly recommend that everyone join! Then I went to Aki's Bakery, a delicious San Jose fixture much like Dick's Bakery (of Burnt Almond cake fame). I got one of Aki's exclusive Neapolitan cakes (chocolate, strawberry, vanilla) for tomorrow, when my aunt Janie, cousin Julie and Julie's son Brandon are coming to celebrate my mom's B-Day (May 6), my B-Day (May 16, today) and Mother's Day.

Then I went to Safeway to pick up extra milk and eggs for the strata my mom's going to make for tomorrow's lunch. Then I ate lunch at home, did some stuff (not even sure what!), then went back out to Hollywood Video because you get a free DVD rental on your B-Day. :) I would have chosen Ratatouille, except that I FINALLY got to see it when my mom chose it as her free rental last week. It was very funny and cute, with several interesting plot twists and, of course, a happy ending! So instead I chose Stardust, another movie I've been woefully lax in watching, even though I've been REALLY wanting to see it!

Then onward to Starbucks, because how could I let my B-Day pass without a festive Java Chip Frappuccino? *giggle* I got excited when I saw not one, not two, but THREE police motorcycles parked in front of the place, but alas -- none of them were yummy. :( One was too old for me and unattractive; one was too old for me and was smoking outside (I'd NEVER date a smoker!); and one was kind of attractive but too old for me. LOL

Back at home, I did dry and wet Swiffering of the kitchen, family room, landing and downstairs bathroom and cleaned the downstairs toilet in anticipation of tomorrow's May Fest. (I wouldn't have bothered cleaning at all, but my mom decided it "must" be done! heheh) Now I need to clean the rat cage and prepare their food dish for later, because I'm going out tonight at my friend Jenny's house for the monthly Bingo Belles game. And yes, she DOES have air conditioning! *cheer* I'm looking extra forward to tonight's game, because each month, whoever has a B-Day gets to play with 3 bingo cards instead of 2, thereby increasing their chances of more wins. And it so happens I'm the only May baby in the group! Whoops! *blush* I forgot: Jeri's also a May baby! ;D I'm also looking forward to visiting with Jenny's extremely loving and funny doggies, Jasmine and Jake!

And now, I leave you all with a meme! There were lots of birthday-themed memes at MemeGen but I didn't like any of them. So, I wrote my own! LOL! It's one of the kinds that fills in the names of folks from my Friends List, and I made it with a lot of spaces to fill in, so you've a GOOD chance of finding yourself in a very FUNNY situation! *giggle*

daily life, movies, starbucks, family, birthday, meme, friends, food, bingo

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