Fran's ears.

Feb 02, 2007 17:01

It has been a quiet week here. Quiet enough, even, to watch the steady growth of the icicles hanging from the gutter next door. (One has reached a length of about ten feet now - yes, it has been an exciting few days).
Other highlights - we finally bought an aerial for the television so my wife can watch tv programs. Apparently the US term is 'antenna' though, not aerial. This caused some initial confusion.

Me: "So, do you want to get an aerial for the tv?"
H: "What?"
Me: "An aerial, for the tv."
H: "Dan, what are you talking about? You're not making any sense."

The actual term that H has always used for it is 'bunny ears' however (which confused *me*). Our tv now has 'Fran ears' named after the bunny-goth in Final Fantasy XII.

I have continued to plunder the archives of Netflix for little-known Hal Hartley movies, which has been very enjoyable. I also managed to find a local role-playing group which I tried out last night (my first proper social contact here outside H's social circle - a momentous event!) and they were all very friendly. It was hosted by a married couple who were about my age, and guarded zestfully by a pair of bouncing pug dogs.

What else? On Monday we went to the Bottle Redemption Centre and sent all our empty plastic soda bottles through the little gate into Bottle Heaven. I think there may have been a Bottle Purgatory too, which sounded a bit noisy, but brief.

(There was more serious stuff that happened this week too but I'm not in the mood to write about it and everything is fine for now, anyway ;-)
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