and she will be loved....

Aug 15, 2005 08:59


couldnt sleep this morning which is irritating cos its the first time in many days that i could of had a lie in.

am at home, my parents went on holiday in the wee hours of this morning, i came here after finishing work yesterday evening and dont get me started on that journey from hell. ive got to back to salford shortly, got to go and see the chiropractor and the if i had been sensible i could of come back tomorrow and took full advantage of having an empty house, but for some reason i asked to change my committee meeting to tomorrow evening, so i'll be back on wednesday for a couple of days until i need to go back to the place where normal time doesnt seem to apply, i.e. the toy factory, i think it might be killing off my brain cells one by one.

i think im actually starting to miss ashton. i think i need to come back and spend some quality time with/in it. have dedicated all of next week to being here. on the plus side, the new flat actually feels like home now and have got used to my new bed :D was a little worried for a while.

dont think ive got anything else exciting to say (not that any of the above is too exciting).

though camping was very fun, all the expected drama happened and was forgotten about in the slightly more sober morning time. and thats just the way that it will always be. thank god :D it better not ever change. ill stop now before i get too sentimental ;)

take care my darlings
love heather
x x x x x
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