Jun 23, 2005 08:52
hey kids,
up early today cos i had to make sure jonathon got up and went to school, while my parents are on their way to a long weekend in athens (alright for some). jennys in the living room rereading harry potter before the new one comes out, i went in their and she said it had got exciting so ive left her alone with that and come in here to listen to music loudly.
went out last night, with jenny, ant and smiley - we sat in tom and jerrys beer garden all night which was bloody lovely, had good chats and a generally good night, which i always approve of.
its warm isnt it. its bloody warm in here anyways. might go and piss the charlie hamster off shortly, by waking him up and playing with him. hes so cute. a tiny little dwarf hamster. even if my mother doesnt like him :D
i wish i could think of something to say here that was a little more interesting. though if youve got this far i could od with some advice. please? i planned to call in sick this weekend both days, but then my shift changed and so now i could make it in on saturday but that kinda means that id lose my saturday, which would of been the perfect day to bbq and drink lots and stuff. i know i should go really, because well that would be the 'right' thing to do, right? anywyas ideas on a postcard please.
jimmy eat world where as good as ever, very much enjoyed them live. and they played a praise chorus which just made my night i think - i love that song so much. thank you rach for a great night and a wonderful birthday present. :D:D:D:D:D
better go and annoy jenny some more - hehe
see you all soon
love heather
x x x x x x