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2.33.1 We start off with some post birthday make-overs. I figured there was enough toddler spam in the last update, might as well skip to the triplets as kids.
Rome Titmouse, looks alot like his dad, but with Bailey's hair and eyes.
Lynx Titmouse, pretty much a blonde, female clone of Rome.
Bogart Titmouse with the scary eyes. I don't get it, they are the same shape as the others', why are they so much creepier in gray than in green? I am not sure why his hair is all brown, everyone else with the dark has reddish tips.
And then it happened. The first Titmouse death. I was not prepared for it. My sweet Gilly.
Maid: You little bastards are blocking the elevator.
Bogart: Wow Grandma, that's some serious gas you have there.
Gilly: The hell? I didn't eat any cabbage.
Jacques: He's right behind me, isn't he?
Reaper: I do hope thou hast said all of thine goodbyes. We must make haste. Schedule to keep and all.
And while we are all freaking out over Gily's demise, the waffles in the oven catch flame.
No one cares, they are too busy creating a giant clusterfuck in seeing Gilly off.
Reaper: What bell yonder rings? Shall I postpone mine next appointment and linger for a bit?
Milan: Fire.
Bogart: Fire!
Bailey: FIRE!
Er... not getting burned, you are doing it wrong.
Bogart: Mom! Milan is standing in the way of me getting squirted with the fire extinguisher.
Bailey: I swear, if you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself.
Thank you, B!
Adn then the poor scorched firegirl/dude glitched and just stood there in our poor ruined kitchen. Making for a pleasantly matching statue, actually. Pls to not be blocking the fridge!
I force killed the fireman and while the death echoe of her lingered outside, the fire department dispatched someone else the next day to come give the required lecture on fire safety and not walking away to grieve when you have shit in the oven.
At least, that's what the lecture would have been.
Firemen: Uh... there was something I... needed to do.
Jacques got a job as a ghost hunter, and as this is my first experience of it, a bit of spam resulted.
Jacques: Who you gonna call, slimer?
Jacques: Wow, these ugly overalls are really riding up my buttcrack. Must wear underpants next time.
Jacques: Say cheese, asshole.
Jacques: You know, with my new Ghosthunter status, I can easily take care of that pesky problem, if you know what I mean.
Gilly: Would you buttmunches go to bed already, you are distracting me from the late night porn.
Lynx: Holy crap, what is Grandma watching? That man is performing the heimlich wrong! No wonder the lady is still gasping for breath.
Avery: Did... did you see that?
Bogart: See what? the ghost of Grandma going downstairs? You cant expect her to say up here, Grandpa, there is no TV.
Avery: *faints*
Birthday time!
Eh. Milan did not quite live up to the adorableness of her toddlerness.
Rome then insisted on bringing home some random little girl who immediately declared war on Lynx.
Lynx came off the worst.
Lynx: Are you you insane? This is not a fucking movie! You are not John Wayne.
Lynx: This is not Die Hard. Yippee-ki-yay the hell out of my house.
And more birthdays!
Rome grows up chubby faced and with big hair. Not completely unfortunate.
Lynx grows up chubby faced as well, but does not pull it off nearly as well.
Bogart? *jaw on floor*
To celebrate the new freedoms of teendom, the Titmeeses invest in a shuffleboard. I have no idea what that is. Curling but without the ice?
Milan plots.
Lynx... rolles? shuffles? whatever, and just hopes for the best.
Bogart is faintly worried about having the girls team up against the boys.
Rome thinks he's so skilled at this game, he can play without looking at his puck-like thing.
Rome: Balls.
He was wrong.
Lynx: I didn't think whipping their asses would be this easy.
Milan: Prepare to meet your maker, boys. You are going down. You are going down hard.
I have promised myself I'm gonna update twice more this week so I can get properly caught up. Let's see how long I can stick with that plan.