knock on the door

Aug 29, 2006 00:41

…hypothetically, this picks up after Always Blood, though Always Blood was not written with this impending series in mind.

title: Aftermath (1/19)
with: Flack, Aiden
rated: PG
herein: from the end of “run silent, run deep” to the end of “heroes.” attendant spoilers. eventual slash.
disclaim: they own me, not the other way around
note: a round robin pov series, each piece prompted from goddess_loki’s csi:ny generator:

Flack hammers on Aiden’s door with the side of his fist. He’s way too noisy, even if it’s not quite midnight, but it’s important he come here and important he got half-wasted first. So what’re you gonna do.

“Aiden!” She better fuckin be home. “It’s me.”

“Keep your panties on, Flack.” The locks snick, then Aiden throws the door wide for him. Flack pushes past her.

“Don’t you check your messages anymore?”

“I got home twenty minutes ago. I was just about to call you back.” She’s toweling her hair dry, but it’s left dark, damp spots on her blue t-shirt. He can see her nipples through the cotton, and why the fuck is he thinking about that now.

He swallows hard and snaps his eyes open almost before he knows they’re closed. When he closes his eyes Danny’s still staring at him with red eyes and bruised hands, and Danny’s still not listening to a goddamn word Flack says. Three years. Three fuckin years they’ve been friends now, and you’d think- you’d think-

“I need a drink.”

“You sure about that?” Aiden smirks at him, and Jesus, he’s missed her. She gets him a beer from the fridge. “What’s up?”

Fuck. Fuck. How’s he going to say this. Should’ve been thinking of that, boy-o. He takes a long swallow from the bottle and sits down hard at her little breakfast table. The label shreds easily.

“Have you talked to Danny lately?”

“About a week ago.” Aiden sits down across from him, voice hard and eyes soft. “What’s the matter?”

Flack rubs his face, and Danny’s still there, pale and blind. Not at all tender with that busted up hand, like he doesn’t notice, can’t feel it.

“Don?” She reaches across the table and snags a piece of the label from his hands. “You’re scaring me here.”

“Fuck. I don’t even know where to start.” Flack stares down at his hands. “The upshot is that Sonny Sassone put Danny’s brother in a coma, and Danny’s pretty fucked up about it.” He starts to laugh but manages to swallow it. “I mean, with reason, but I can’t get through to him.”

Aiden tears the label into smaller pieces, confetti. “Why don’t you try again, and this time start at the beginning instead of the end.”

thanks for reading; feedback always appreciated

genre: gen, fic, genre: standalone, tone: subtext, char: don flack, fandom: csi:ny, char: aiden burn, tone: fellowsoldiers

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