Another Saturday night...

Jul 02, 2011 18:42

...and I ain't got nobody. Well, that's not precisely true, but right here, right now, it's awfully quiet at Chez scarlettina and that's actually okay. I spent a goodly portion of the day discovering what I look like in clothes that properly fit me, instead of clothes that are too big, and I'm having a little bit of cognitive dissonance. That person in the mirror looks like me, but she's wearing smaller clothing sizes than she's worn in years and she's got curves. Like, girl curves. It's sort of astonishing.

See, what happened was that yesterday I had a moment of "I feel big and sloppy, and I have a lot of weight to lose," and posted about it on Facebook. I received an avalanche of support (God, I love my friends). e_bourne, in the wake of this post, showed up at my door today with a box of clothing she's shrunken out of (she's looking fabulous, by the way), and I tried some of them on. As a result, I now have a sharp new suit, two new skirts, and a lovely new, gray dress that will dress up beautifully with sparklies. We also went to Northgate Mall, and I came out with jeans that fit, a new work blouse, a pair of leggings and a gorgeous, spangled tee shirt, all in sizes smaller than I've worn in at least a decade. And, like I said, there was this person in the mirror and she looked like me. It's just . . . odd. But it's good. I just . . . have to get used to it.


I've been grossly remiss about posting my Clarion West Write-a-Thon progress. I need to do that either tonight or tomorrow morning. I've just got so much going on--freelance work (yes, yes), housekeeping, all sorts of stuff. I better get to it!

weight loss, health

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