Your chat du jour

Jul 01, 2011 08:41

Sophie, at slightly more than two years of age, has proven to be a willful girl with a mind most assuredly her own. She goes where she will, despite attempts at discipline, sits or climbs wherever she likes, and generally makes a photogenic nuisance of herself. She is, however, a little clown who does somersaults when she's petted in a particular way, who squirms delightfully when she's brushed, and is, in general, pretty fine company. She has been lonely, I think, since Spanky's departure and has needed more attention, but I think she's learning to like being an only child, even if it's a little odd for her. Here are a couple of pix, for those as may be interested.

A bad cat where she's not supposed to be:

A pretty cat nevertheless:

sophie, the kitties, pictures

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