My God, it's full of mooses!

Nov 07, 2010 21:40

This weekend, jackwilliambell, markferrari, aprivatefox, mufi and I went out to the Olympic Peninsula for a writing weekend. We stayed at The Moose House on Lake Cushman, the intent being to spend the weekend writing. The house was small--a bedroom, kitchen, living room, bath, and a spiral staircase leading to a loft (which was really a second bedroom). The place had a gas stove, where we kept a fire burning all weekend long. And the place was full of moose stuff: stuffed animals, mooses on the towels, mooses in the art on the walls, a pair of antlers mounted to the wall, art made from antlers, and so on. It sounds kitschy, but it was actually quite charming. Every time we'd discover a new moose, we'd all exclaim, "My God, it's full of mooses!" Yes, things got a little silly.

At any rate, we all got writing done. It rained heavy and constantly on Saturday, which certainly helped keep us all inside, though on Saturday afternoon, aprivatefox, mufi and I took a little walk down to the lake and poked around there a bit; I took some pictures. jackwilliambell cooked up a storm and kept us all nourished in the most tasty ways. On Saturday night, writing was suspended in favor of games -- Puerto Rico, Fluxx, Dixit, and TransAmerica -- which were all a great deal of fun. This morning, there was a little impromptu critiquing, nothing formalized, but enough to get juices flowing. Some good discussion helped open up a story for me that I've been alternately hammering and considering abandoning for a couple of years now.

Overall, it was a lovely and productive getaway. I got home about an hour or so ago. My spirit wants to work on the story I mentioned. My body seems to want to do nothing more than go to sleep. I shall have to find a happy medium because it's too damn early to go to bed, but I don't have a whole lot of concentration for anything right now. Maybe a little TV is in order.

friends, jack, writing, travel

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