Things I want to do this month

Nov 01, 2010 22:14

Not necessarily in this order:

1. Go away with jackwilliambell and a group of unusual suspects to write for a weekend.
2. Buy myself the desk I decided I need and rearrange the main floor to accommodate it.
3. Finish this freelance job in time for the next busy cycle at work to begin.
4. Put together another bundle of stuff to donate.
5. Figure out plans for Thanksgiving.
6. See the new Harry Potter movie.
7. Work on the family book project I've started and stopped over and over again.
8. Start working on the novel again.
9. Finish reading a book (for leisure, which hasn't happened in quite a while).
10. Plan to have some friends over for dinner--a couple of different occasions.
11. Fix the drippy faucet in the big bathroom.
12. Fix the toilet in the small bathroom.

I don't know if I'll get to all of these, but I'd like to. It's good to have goals.
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