Shadows of a thousand years rise again unseen...

Oct 31, 2010 09:45

Voices whisper in the trees, "Tonight is Halloween!"

Last year I took a hiatus from my usual round-up of Halloween links, but this year the tradition returns and I have some wonderful stuff to share.

For those of you with a literary mind (and I know to whom I speak), you may enjoy John Delancie's wonderful dramatic reading of Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven. (If you don't know who John Delancie is, you have but to think of Star Trek's Q.)

National Geographic offers us a glimpse into All Hallows past with photographs of Halloween costumes of a century ago.

For a more modern approach to costumes, check out MSNBC's round-up of gadgety Halloween costumes.

For those of a musical bent, not to be left behind, National Public Radio offers a roster of tunes that terrify.

The Seattle Times offers their list of the Ten Creepiest Movies Ever. I leave my cinema-loving friends to argue this one. Personally I think there are several movies that should have made this list -- but how can you narrow it down to just ten? Go ahead -- argue.

The New York Times offers insights from author R.L. Stine about how Halloween has morphed into an adult event, not at all what he remembers of childhood.

The Washington Post asks, Where have all the ghosts gone?

Allow me to introduce you to Seriously, check it out.

If you're seeking ghosts, take a look at this set of ghost photographs and judge for yourself. Sometimes we see what we want to see. Sometimes we see stuff we can't explain.

The American Museum of Photography offers a small gallery of ghost photographs from the 19th century. Fun stuff, this.

See some interesting ghost videos here.

Along with pictures, I offer some sound. The Shadowlands Web site has long been one of my favorites for evidence of hauntings. They've started to archive not just photographs, but EVPs as well. EVP stands for "electronic voice phenomena," the recorded sounds of what are purported to be voices from the great beyond. Take a listen and see what you think.

Happy Halloween, everyone!


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