Not writing or posting. Working.

Oct 24, 2010 10:42

I'm in the home stretch on the current freelance job, but it's work, as work will be, and it's taking time. jackwilliambell came over yesterday to keep me honest and make dinner for me. I worked on the work, he worked on his new computer, we had lunch with e_bourne and markbourne, then built a fire in the fireplace and worked the afternoon away. In a miracle that I cannot fully explain (the very definition of miracle), he made a delicious beefy sort of goulash almost purely out of stuff I already had in the house. How does he do that? It's a mystery to me. I have the mysteriously delicious leftovers in my refrigerator for lunch or possibly dinner.

Today it's a rainy, gray Seattle Sunday, the kind of assertively autumn day that is typical here in the Pacific Northwest. Rumor has it that there may be snow in the mountains within the next 24 hours. It's a perfect day to do more work, since going out and getting damp is not on my list of Things I Like To Do. And yet...

And yet I still have not made time for the getting of the new coat I'd really like to get. This place desperately needs vacuuming and tidying. I have house repairs that need attending to.

It's a short life and there's so much to be done!

work, weather, jack

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