In which I display the depth and breadth of my nerdiness

Sep 20, 2010 18:55

I just came across a LOL that made me LOL louder than I ever had in response to a LOL before. Behold it in all its nerdly glory:

This made me laugh for a bazillion reasons:
1) Because Fibonacci is a funny word.
2) Because I know who Fibonacci was.
3) Because most of the people in my circle know who Fibonacci was and those who don't are scratching their heads and wondering if they should be embarrassed.
4) Because ... Fibonacci pigeons!
5) And so on.

Also, I associated Fibonacci numbers with my beloved Uncle Larry, of blessed memory, who introduced me to them with the kind of glee and focus only an engineer/inventor could. There we were, he a balding, middle-aged, Jewish, cigar chomping genius and me, a nerdy 'tween who hadn't quite figured out that it was okay for girls to like math but who really liked history and architecture. We pored over a magazine article about the Golden Mean and I got so excited about it that he tore out the article for me and I saved it for years and read it over and over again. It served me in art classes, in history classes. It still makes me giddy even now.

So yeah, this LOL makes me LOL in the best way possible.

funny, lol

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