Oscar tweet-o-rama: a little snark, a little dance...

Mar 08, 2010 23:56

It was not my plan to tweet the Oscars and yet that's how it turned out. Once the snark started creeping out all unexpected, I couldn't help myself. I've added color commentary in italics between the original tweets. I didn't note this in the twittering, but I enjoyed the hell out of Neil Patrick Harris' opening number. I'd love to see him on stage someday.

And so it began with an observation that had never fully formed until last night....


Wow, what do you think it was like for Quentin Tarrantino to grow up with that chin?
I don't know why Tarrantino's chin never really penetrated my awareness before, but its sheer cliff-facedness just shocked me. It was a bad camera angle, no doubt.


Love the John Hughes montage. Judd Nelson still makes me a little hot....
Okay, truth: Judd Nelson makes me more than a little hot even now....


Wow, what the hell is Zoe Saldana wearing? Mutated purple pompoms--haute couture from Pandora?


Star Trek wins best make-up. Those ears looked awesome and so did Eric Bana. I'm a happy fan girl.
Did anyone really think Trek would earn anything but a technical award?


RT @cynicgrrl They just said no horror wins since The Exorcist, then included Silence of the Lambs in horror package. So which is it?


@cynicgrrl Someone wasn't paying attention when they wrote the introductory script, obviously. That's Hollywood.


I was surprised at how much I liked "Inglourious Basterds," but then anyone who writes bad-ass Jews is going to win my heart.


Did Sandra Bullock really just use the word "mishegos?" And use it correctly? Wow.


Lovely "In Memoriam" montage. James Taylor: National treasure.


Upon observing the dance montage for "Best Score"...
What on God's Earth does (the dance) the robot have to do with "Up"?


The music from Avatar had to be the reason this dance troupe was chosen to choreograph the music montage.
It was the only choreography that made sense in the entire thing...


Is it me, or is the material written for Steve and Alec just awful from start to finish: sexist, lame, pointless?
Seriously, this may have been one of the worst scripted Oscar shows ever--and that's saying something.


The director of the film from Argentina who won Best Foreign Film was wonderful:
"Thank you to the Academy for not considering Navi a foreign language." That's brilliant!


Why don't they let the winners speak a little longer--it's their night, after all--and cut the introductions to the basics?


Has Jeff Bridges turned into a gorgeous, well-groomed, latter-day version of The Dude or what, man?
Anybody actually count how many times he said "man" in his acceptance speech? Anyone, anyone? Beuller? Oh, wait, wrong Oscar moment....


Tho Gabourey Sidibe didn't win for Best Actress, she's got a personal Oprah pep talk to hold on to for the rest of her life. Awesome.


Everyone here surprised by Bullock's win as much for it being Bullock as for winning against Mirrin & Streep. Need to see Blind Side.
I just want to note that the first time I saw a trailer for "The Blind Side" I commented to my companion that the film was obviously Bullock's bid for an Oscar. I never dreamed she'd actually get it. Makes me wonder: Was it a legit win, or was it a result of a split vote for Mirrin and Streep? I mean, I'll give Bullock props--it's take a better-than-average actress to be a comedienne, so she probably has the chops to win this award all by herself, but she had major competition.


Oh my God--are they really playing "I Am Woman" in the wake of Bigelow's Best Director win? What is this: 1978? Come on!
In a night full of crappy sexist scripting, this may have been one of the worst moments. Surely, it was cool as hell that Barbra Streisand gave the award--and was the clearest telegraphing they could have done that Bigelow would get the prize--but couldn't they have saluted Bigelow with the music from her own film? Really, I thought this was one of the worst choices made in a night full of bad choices by the director and music director.


Regardless of my snark about "I Am Woman," go Kathryn Bigelow and "The Hurt Locker"--time for me to see the film....


Final thoughts: Best moments weren't scripted; the scripted stuff was awful; best picture was an after-thought.
And what an insult to Bigelow: Best Picture announced almost as a throw-away.

As for the clothes of the evening, I'm split between which dress I adored the most: the one worn by Penelope Cruz, the one worn by Helen Mirrin, or the one worn by Cameron Diaz. I've already noted my least favorite look, but Vera Fermiga came in a close second.

And that's all she wrote. Yeah, really. :-)

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