Potlatch: Sunday

Mar 07, 2010 21:36

Today was really about the banquet. jackwilliambell and I arrived early enough to catch Eileen Gunn reading a short story fresh off the computer, just finished, that was quite entertaining, and then we went in for brunch. The brunch was a good hearty breakfast in the company of davidlevine, kateyule, vondancintyre and several others, followed by davidlevine's presentation about his trip to Mars. David was funny and informative, answered questions with grace and good humor, and just shined. He received a very long ovation afterward.

Brunch concluded, we spent some time in the dealers' room where I complimented Eileen on her story. I also showed great restraint in not purchasing Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter (which I want not only because I love the premise but because the book itself is a fine artifact of the book maker's art) and Simon's Cat, but did purchase a Spider Robinson novel I'd never seen before. It was the least expensive of my choices, and the proceeds will benefit the Jeanne Robinson medical fund, so my dollars are working extra hard there.

We finally headed up to the Hospitality Suite. I had some quality time with nisi_la, klages, and several others. When mcjulie and paulcarp expressed an interest in watching the Oscars, I suddenly had an tiny impromptu Oscar party on my hands...

...and so that's how the evening ended: at my place with pizza, Julie, Paul, Jack and I watching the Oscars.

I've posted the last of my Potlatch pictures to my Flickr set, and tomorrow morning, I'll aggregate my tweets about Oscar night to post here. What a good weekend! I wasn't exceptionally productive, but I had a marvelous time.

tv, friends, social butterfly, conventions

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