Cat Music (silliness for a Thursday)

May 21, 2009 11:33

Shortly after I adopted my beloved Flatbush, I began crooning to him. Usually I'd sing to him when we were heading to the vet, but I then began to sing to him more often. Usually it was just random silliness. Eventually, however, I realized that the first lines of the Beatles song, "Blackbird" scanned really well for a typical Flatbush behavior. Before long, I'd composed a song for the cat based on that melody:

Flatbush meowing in the dead of night
Take these kitty wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for your dinner to arrive
Flatbush meow
Flatbush meow
Into the light of the dark black night

I sang that song to him his entire life: when we went to the vet, when I brushed him, sometimes before I hit the sack. It was the Flatbush song.

I spent years trying to come up with something for Merlin. Years. I felt bad that he didn't have a theme song. It was only in the last two months of his life that I came up with something that stuck. It was sung to the tune of the theme from "I Dream of Jeannie":

Merlin the handsome
Merlin the handsome
Merlin the handsome cat

He's orange
He's orange and he's stripey
He's orange and he's stripey
He does things I can't explain

That's because he's Merlin
Merlin the handsome
Merlin the handsome
Merlin the handsome cat

And so I'd found the perfect theme song for Merlin in his last days.

It never even occurred to me to come up with a song for Spanky (seen in the icon); I don't know why. But lately, probably prompted by Merlin's departure, I've been obsessing over a song for Spanky. I have two contenders, neither of which is yet fully formed. One would be sung to the tune of "Santa Baby" except that I can't get past the first line: "Spanky-doodle, I'll put some catnip under the tree for thee" (but that seems a little labored). The other could be sung to the Steve Perry song, "Oh Sherry." "Oh Spanky, our love holds on, holds on." Somehow, that seems weird.

I know that those who have encountered Spanky have seen his cranky side a little more than his sweet side. I excuse this by explaining that it's because he's old and he's spoiled. Could be he's just a natural curmudgeon. Or because no matter how hard I work at making his eyes comfortable, they never will be (he's got a chronic dry eye condition), and so he's grouchy. But he is a sweet cat and I want to have a song for him.

So, based on the above, any ideas for lyrics? Help me, LJ hivemind! You're my only hope!

music, the boys

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