Bird country

May 20, 2009 10:31

I came downstairs to answer the phone just now, and when I hung up, I heard an incredible racket outside. I stepped out onto the balcony to find a Northern Flicker and an American Robin both perched on the next-door neighbor's rooftop. Singing at the tops of their lungs. The flicker flew off and within moments of his departure, I heard him assertively tapping on someone's rain gutter several houses off. Guess he's lookin' for a girlfriend. The robin stayed, worms draped around his beak, chirping away. Then a crow landed within a few feet of the robin. And off in the distance, I can hear the ack-ack-ack of a Steller's jay. I guess that means the jay family that nests in the fir trees in the neighbor's yard have returned. I wonder if they'll knock on my window again this year.

I forgot to mention the most extraordinary thing about last Friday night. I was approaching the Evergreen Point Bridge from I-5. When the sculptures on either side of the bridge came into view, there was a pair of bald eagles perched on the southern side. They were just sitting there, their white heads pure bright spots in the setting sun. Really remarkable.


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