Today's link sharing

Jul 24, 2007 06:21

Streetlights that shut down when the moon is full, the history of street lighting, and its effect on city living. Coolness.

webcowgirl points out this very funny Harry Potter spoiler list which won't spoil anything for anyone, but which I found hugely entertaining, especially if you know your movie references.

In the "I am an unrepentant fan-girl" category, I found this very fine Doctor Who fan-vid about the Doctor versus the Master that I wanted to share. Some really good timing and nice clip choices here. You might not dig the song per se, but I think it really works.

Wrote 950 words on the novel last night and made progress on the freelance project. Still want to post about Deathly Hallows but just haven't had any time, and I'm back to work today. Gotta adjust myself to the new schedule again....

doctor who, writing, cool links

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